Serial Designation S💎



5 months, 27 days ago


Never Blue - Maggie Jean Martian
Serial Designation S

"Hah. Haha... Start running before my patience drops."

Name: Serial Designation S
Nickname: S
Age: ???
Gender: Non-Binary (They/It
Species: Disassembly Drone
Orientation: Lesbian
Relationship Status: Taken
Voice Claim: Robin Buckley, Stranger Things



S is normally pretty happy and calm, enjoying the time with their family and friends. They can be chaotic at times, even mischievous as well, but they always mean it in a lighthearted manner. Its rare to see them angry, but...

We know they can kill, and are pretty effective at it, but in most cases they don't resort to violence. The times that they do can be terrifying. They would kill anyone, or anything, that hurts the drones they care about, and if something is standing in the way of them getting to their family, they will do what is needed to get around this barrier.

Back at the manor, S was a lot more soft, though they still stood up for N, or took the blame for E breaking something. They are glad that through the time, they have kept these friendships, and they keep making more.







  • Sitting and watching the snow fall
  • Listening to the laughter of their daughter
  • Serial Designation V
  • Doodling
  • Spending time with its friends and family
  • Being misgendered
  • Serial Designations W and L
  • Seeing the drones the care about get hurt
  • The thought of having to live without someone they care about, and leaving their family without them
  • Death

  • Optical callibrations are screwed, the should be wearing glasses. Do they? Not as much as they should despite having a pair
  • Their eyes tend to sometimes get brighter or duller with more intense emotions
  • Tail wraps around their legs when anxious, to make themself smaller
  • Likes to hang upside down
  • Likes to collect things they find in the ruins of Copper-9
  • Has a stash of pride pins
  • Likes to draw! Very silly and random artstyle
  • Is creepily silent, will appear from nowhere
Design Notes

  • A foot taller than the normal disassembly drone, even as a worker they were taller than the others
  • Has pads on their fingers, they are the same color as their eyes
  • Hair is blonde, but has dyed blueish-teal streaks and is VERY fluffy
  • Wears a Non-binary ping on their beanie! Not opt.
  • Tail tip slides open along a track to reveal their stinger
  • Often covers their 5 optical sensors with a beanie
  • Jacket is cropped so that it doesn't get in the way of movement
  • Slits in the back of their jacket for their wings to deploy from
  • There are many fixed holes in their jacket, if you look close you can see all the fixed stitches

S is a fairly tall robot who often wears a cropped hoodie and beanie of matching colors. They have short yet extremely fluffy blonde hair with blue and teal streaks running through it. Their eyes and LEDs are both teal and blue, being a mixed version of them for their core.

Instead of the usual Disassembly Drone tail, they have a spade shaped tail end that slides open along a track to reveal a stinger in which they use to attack. Their body is mainly whites and pale grays, and they have pale yellow strips at the end of their arms, legs, and halfway down their thighs. This is assumably the hue of yellow that their eyes and LEDs used to be.



S's model was found in the scrap yard near the Elliott mansion, was was taken back home by Tessa, who was fasinated by their oddly tall structure. Once she got them online, she told them their name and gave them their outfit for work. S was originally worrying with worker drones W and L, but due to their rude nature and bitchy auittudes, S slowly started to work with other drones more. E was one of the drones S found themself working with quite a bit, and the two quickly became best friends. At one point, they found N being bullied by J, and put a stop to that, and that started their friendship with him. N later introduced it to V, which S fell for very quickly, and Cyn, who started viwing it as a big sibling due to all the time it spend helping her when she needed it. S was very content with their life, they had friends, family, a 'rival' if you wish to call J that. As time went on, drones mysteriously started getting an 'ERROR 606' message on their screens, making them freeze and stop working. None of their friends were effected by it, until V suddenly got sick and froze from the error. S was devastated, asking Tessa if she knew any way to fix the error yet, but sadly she didn't. A bit more time passed, and S was starting to get effected it more. Their movements became more choppy, their screen would glitch yellow in moments, but they never told anyone about it, since they didn't want to worry anyone. The day the Gala massacre happened was the day everything went wrong. It started with N getting send to the tree to be torn apart by the crows, and Tessa, J, S, and Cyn getting chained up in Tessa's bedroom. Suddenly Cyn changed to something terrifying, and told everyone to stay in Tessa's room, as her plan was to kill the humans, yet she didn't want anyone she cared about getting hurt. After immense struggling and way too much time, the three of them got free and raced to go stop Cyn. But, they were stopped by N who apparently needed the library key. That was when V attacked. She had changed, sprouting fleshy wings and an X across her screen. J, S, and Tessa fought V, as N and the odd crow ran to unlock the library. S swore they could handle V on their own, and told J and Tessa to go stop Cyn. As It fought the drone they adored, the error got worse. When V had slammed them to the ground in an attack, they finally froze in place, stuck there on the ground. V, for whatever reason, didn't hurt them further, and left to stop N.


When it was sent to Copper-9, it was sent with both W and L. It had no memory of before, but had a gut feeling that these two weren't the best, and it was right. W would often misgender them on purpose, and make awful remarks about them. L was always right next to W on all her choices, often joining her in the mocking. They often kept S back from hitting their true potential, then yelled at them for not meeting quota. They were then kicked from the group and left to fend for themself. They sometimes spied on other drones, and noted that another squad of murder drones had started construction on a spire of worker drone corpses. During this time, their numbers hit higher and higher, drawing the attention of a few humans back on earth. S was then taken by a few humans to be modified to test out a few features that could be used on other models of Disassembly Drones.


The way they met the main trio was very abrupt, S having just powered back on from being offline for a month, and the trio bursting through the wall because Uzi had heard about humans on Copper-9. The humans were killed from the blast, and S was coated in rubble. V was the one who discovered them, and after a small fight from them trying to kill Uzi, it was taken 'hostage' and taken back to the spire. After a long while of gaining their trust, S quickly became close with them, and their earlier feelings for V resparked. They were taken on the trip to Camp 98.7, and were a helpful hand in getting Uzi to calm down after she got taken over by her solver. Once the four of them returned to the colony, they went to Uzi's home a few days later to watch a mysterious tape that N had found at the Camp. Upon watching, all three disassembly drones suddenly glitched out with Error 606, and Uzi had to rescue them or their meories would be wiped. After this whole thing, everyone took a while to let everything set in before running to get the keybug back from Doll.


As the four drones and Tessa went through the cryptic offices and delt with Alice, Beau, and the sentiels, S felt worried and kept by V's side. But once they started to go down that hallway, and V started her fight with the robotic dinosaurs, S had a feeling deep in their core something might go terribly wrong, and it was right in the most tragic way. After losing her to the sentinels, the four went down the elevator to the Labs. They faced hell and back down there, S's love for V being used against it. They managed to take down and cure Cyn, heading back to the elevator. What met them there was V, J, and Lizzy (suprisingly) getting through the rubble to get to those they cared about. S wanted to hug V and not let go.


After saving everything from Cyn, and putting a stop to her plans, everything went normal. Well, aside from S's raging crush on V. Uzi was insistent on trying to get them together, even locking them in a closet at one point. Her plan actually almost worked, but N let them out before S could finish their confession. A while later, maybe a month, the two actually had the conversation. They ended up getting together, much to Uzi's enjoyment, N's encouragement, and E's excitement. After months of dating, the two found an abandoned worker drone child model just sitting in the snow. S, grasping V's hand, reached out to gently touch the drone when a sparke happened. S jerked their hand back at this, eyes hollowing when the kid came online. Her eyes and LEDs were a mixture of the colors S and V had, much to their suprise. They ended up taking her with them, not wanting to leave her alone in the snow. Uzi lightheartedly teased them about finding a child together, but the couple actually did adopt the kid, V naming her Asmi as she couldn't remember her own name. The three of them fixed up an old hotel, and started living there together. S asked E to move in, which she agreed to, and without their knowlage, J had become Asmi's babysiter. After a while of that, V asked J to move in, which she also agreed to.


The five of them live happily in their home, Asmi going to school with N and Uzi's kid, and everyone living their best life. That was until they found out Asmi had the power of the AbsoluteSolver. Well, the didn't find out until after Asmi had gone crazy mode due to overheating. They brought their daughter to Uzi for help, and the worker started to help train the kid. Months passed, yet Asmi was starting to train less and less, until the day she got kidnnaped by S's old squadmates. W held her for random, demanding that S rejoin her crew due to their new power.



V has always been a special drone to S, they even liked her back at the manor, and were blind to her equal feelings. They are pretty close now, even adopting a daughter together. S couldn't imagine their life without V, not again.

Asmi Daughter

Ever since S and V found Asmi, it has adored her. She was their kid, and she'll always be that way. S would kill to save their daughters life, and has done it before. Asmi means the world to S, and they'll always be there for her when she needs it.


E is S's best friend, and she has been ever since they met. S has always cared a lot about her, trying to take the blame when she broke things back at the manor, letting her live with them currently, and just generally being there for her. They are so close at this point that Asmi sees E as S's sister, or 'Aunty' in Asmi's words.

Uzi Doorman Close friend

S sees Uzi as someone that they know will be there, even when her angsty attuide makes people think otherwise. It sees her as a little sister in a way, and the two often tease each other, Uzi teasing about V, and S teasing about N. While they may do this alot, they do care about each other.


S and N seem to have a sibling-type relationship, S always sticking up for him back at the manor, and N being there when it needed him. It enjoys being around him, and he is one of their comfort drones

Serial Designation J Acquaintance/Housemate

S and J hated each other at the manor, J being maybe afraid of them a slight bit, but thats what you get for bullying N. Currently, S still doesn't trust her that much, wondering if she has any hidden intentions, but ever since she helped them save Asmi's life, their trust has grown more

Cyn Little sister

S had become a big sibling figure to Cyn back at the manor, matching N's big brother rank. They cared alot about Cyn, helping her when needed and often staying around her. But when the gala massacure happened, S was terrifed. What had happened to the little drone they knew? Currently, now that Cyn is no longer a threat, S wants to reconnect with her more once she gets a body again.


S's old Squadleader that it would GLADLY punch in the mouth. While S already killed her once for kidnapping Asmi, it knows she has a clone somewhere that is waiting to come online, and they'd kill that one too before even thinking about going to join her team. Not to mention she misgenders them on purpose???


While S hates L with a BURNING passion, its a little less than how much they hate W, thought only by a little. She never misgendered them, sometimes correcting W, but she nevr did anything to stop everything W said to S. She was always her right hand drone, and S knows she's waiting for her to come back. S whould have killed L the second it could have.