Takashi and Yoko



5 years, 10 months ago


Takashi Kimura

Name Takashi Kimura
Age 49
Height 181 cm
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Birthdate August 17
Ethnicity Japanese
Job Electronics Company
ISTJ / Large and Tall Build / Japanese / Athiest / Divorced / Leo

Takashi Kimura was the son of two teachers- Born into an upper-middle class family, his father was a professor at the University of Tokyo and his mother was a middle school teacher at a nearby school. Because his background helped him to excel in school, he was enrolled into a rather prestigious school which helped him find an interest for computer programming. He went onto attend the University of Tokyo and pursued a computer sciences degree, before joining a large electronics company. One day, his friend introduced him to a woman named Yoko Inui who was here in Japan for work-related things. They hit it off rather well, knowing each other through mutuals, and to everyone's surprise wound up marrying only after one and a half years. His wife had their first son, Kuii, when he was 28. A year later, she had their second son, Kakuei, and at this time Takashi was 29. 

Yoko and Takashi's first few years of parenting and marriage went relatively well, often bringing their kids out to eat, play at playgrounds, and much more. Though when Kuii was 5 and Kakoi was 4 they began to argue relentlessly. It escalated to around when their kids were 7 and 6 (so for 2 years) when it got the worst and they finally divorced. (At that time, Yoko was 32 and Takashi was 35 when they divorced.)

Due to the fact that Yoko left her job to take care of her children at home, she lost connections in the work industry (Yoko used to work in an accounting firm). Takashi who was a manager at a renown technology company was earning a lot of money at the time and was therefor given custody of both children. 

After given custody, he wound up being very busy with his work and needing more promotions, so he began to grow distant from his kids and hired maids to take care of them. Takashi has a rather distant relationship with both of his children though seems to favor Kuii over Kakoi due to the fact Kuii performs better in school and is more "obedient". He outwardly states that he cares for both of his sons, though rarely makes the proper actions to show this said love. Takashi seems to emotionally neglect both his children, but supports them financially as much as they will allow him. He has not yet remarried, though has dated women after his first wife. 

Kuii Kimura

Sort of rocky relationship with Kuii in the present day, though Kuii does his best to be respectful to his father as his parent. Due to this, Takashi seemingly thinks good of Kuii. Kuii may occasionally visit with an obligatory gift on holidays or special occasions, but is usually met with a lot of talking from Takashi on his latest accomplishments without much regard for his son. 

Kakuei Kimura

Thinks of Kakuei still as a good son, with good intentions, but regards him as often less than or not as good as Kuii, due to his grades in middle and high school being less than Kuii's. In addition to Kakuei often talking back to Takashi, no matter how much disciplining Takashi invokes on Kakuei he always seems to have more to say. Kakuei will occasionally visit with Kuii for holidays, but never on his own. They have a rather unstable relationship. 

Yoko Inui

Name Yoko Inui
Age 46
Height 166 cm
Gender Female
Pronouns She/her
Birthdate May 31
Ethnicity Japanese
Job Accounting firm
INFJ / Thin Build / Japanese American / Christian / Divorced / Gemini

Yoko Inui was the daughter of a Japanese American family living on the west coast. Although she mainly resided in the US in a middle class home, she would frequently visit between Tokyo, Japan, and Kirkland, Washington, USA. Due to this, both her English and Japanese skills were very good. She always had a knack for mathematics and after finishing a degree at UW, went on to working at an accounting firm. On one occasion, when she travelled back to Japan for work related things, she met Takashi Kimura. They hit it off rather well, knowing each other through mutuals, and to everyone's surprise wound up marrying only after one and a half years. She had their first son, Kuii, when she was 25. A year later, she had their second son, Kakuei, when she was 26. 

Yoko and Takashi's first few years of parenting and marriage went relatively well, often bringing their kids out to eat, play at playgrounds, and much more. Though when Kuii was 5 and Kakoi was 4 they began to argue relentlessly. It escalated to around when their kids were 7 and 6 (so for 2 years) when it got the worst and they finally divorced. (At that time, Yoko was 32 and Takashi was 35 when they divorced.)

Due to the fact that Yoko left her job to take care of her children at home, she lost connections in the work industry (Yoko used to work in an accounting firm). Takashi who was a manager at a renown technology company was earning a lot of money at the time and was therefor given custody of both children.

After losing the custody battle, she returned to her hometown and her first job shamefully, though luckily the new manager at the place was her good friend and previous co-worker, so she was able to be hired once again without too much trouble or difficulty. She wishes to contact her sons though often winds up only communicating with Kakuei (even so, barely) instead of talking to Kuii. She cares for both of her children though especially loves to look after Kakoi, since he seemed to have more struggles in school, so often times may accidentally emotionally neglect Kuii. 

Kuii Kimura

Although he was her first son, Yoko often finds herself unable to properly communicate with Kuii. Growing up, she always thought Kuii did fine and didn't need much support since he seemed to be performing well in school, though due to this rarely attended to Kuii. After the divorce and losing the custody battle, she rarely gets to see Kuii. Although she wishes to talk to her son and support him, she doesn't know how. 

Kakuei Kimura

Kakuei and Yoko's mother and son relationship was extraordinarily strong growing up. Yoko always wanted the best for Kakuei, especially since she knew that Takashi didn't want either of his sons to have bad grades, so she helped Kakuei the best she could. Although Kakuei often expresses love to her as his mother, Yoko appreciates it though rarely responds back with the same love and sympathy now. (Especially with the distance that grew between them after the divorce.) Even so, they remain relatively close.