Pop Crunch



5 years, 10 months ago


Represents Sodamunch for Mustang Bros

Was experimented on by the DeathTones and mutated by the Nightmare Realm. She later met and befriended Nathan and friends and went back to Earph with them. Currently staying with Moose and his family. Pop is the daughter of Treva and Ernesto and is the only one of the gang who has any connection with Ivory, tho she never brings it up much. She wanted to stay on Earph for schools, rather than live on Rem with her parents, so she is living with Ernesto's family in Sowry. Pop is far more energetic than her quiet passive parents. They did teach her how to fight but she prefers knives over her parents trident and swords. 

  • A mixture of a fish and cat like her mother
  • Has wings and sometimes her hair will form into feathers like her father
  • Has healing abilities like her father and she will quickly recover from injuries 
  • Coffee addict 
  • She likes collecting things she finds and hoards it all away
  • Enjoys video games 
  • Has many teeth, collects the ones that fall out in plans to make a necklace
  • she likes animals but not a big fan of bugs, she will eat them tho
  • dyes her hair many colors 
  • hates the cold 
  • She's like 16-17ish
  • Birthday is August 7th 

Her parents will be pissed when they they find out.  Ivory and the DeathTones have an uneasy relationship. Eventually she will learn how to transform back and forth between forms.