Ernesto Swift



5 years, 10 months ago



  • The Mom Friend to Ivory
  • All members of Ivory are his pups
  • Mama Ernesto loves his pups
  • Cares for the others and keeps them inline
  • Ernesto gives off a calming atmosphere and soothes anyone around him 
  • Healer of the groups, partially trained doctor 
  • Scene Kid
  • Styling hair and fashion 
  • His hair is made of feathers 
  • Canadian kinda (Earph's version of Canada) 
  • His original hair color is orange 
  • Uses a Katana 
  • Originally a Bakugan character yup c: 
  • Bakugan was Naggapatzi and their attribute was Ventus 
  • Ernesto is one of Dante's mates 
  • He is also mates with Treva, and is father to Pop Crunch
Originally from Earph, Ernesto was born in a family well know for becoming successful doctors and he was expected to follow the family tradition. However Ernesto's interest was more in styling hair and the latest fashion trends. At some point he was picked up by the DeathTones and in exchange for not being experimented on, Ernesto became Young's apprentice during his time with them. He was later tasked with seeking out those who's partners were the mythical Bakugan Gods, his first target was Treva and her partner Leviathan. After Treva hooked up with Ivory Ernesto began encountering them more and more and eventually switched sides to Ivory, although he still kept a good relationship with Young, keeping in the good graces of the DeathTones. He would go back and forth between Ivory and the DeathTones from time to time. After spending time with Ivory Ernesto soon gained new abilities, one of them was Healer abilities. 

His birthday is June 24th