Papillion Leveque



5 years, 10 months ago


the nurturer
full Name Papillion Belle Leveque
Nicknames Pupa
Age 26
birthdate April
Gender Nonbinary
pronouns they/he/she
species Tarantee
race Cold
rarity Legendary
height 6'8"
character creator butterfly
design creator butterfly
species creator succultist
world Standalone
status Living
currently Inactive; Sub-main
code credit vomcodesstuff

As timid as a mouse, Papillion has a jumpy and shy personality that seeks to be a helper. They love to nurture and care for those weaker than them, but still much prefer to be a follower over a leader. They value a sense of beauty, and are capable of seeing the good in even the darkest of situations. However, they are still cautious and careful about what they do, believe and say, sorting out the big picture of things before acting it out. Quite sensitive to the needs of others, they're altruistic and love to serve, always prepared to help someone out and do what's best for everyone. One musn't mistake their sweetness for weakness, however - they have a fiercely independent streak and will stand up for whatever they believe is right.

Pupa is extremely easily startled, and has trouble having any fun because of how sensitive they are to noise and touch. They're altruistic to a fault, preferring to indulge in others' struggles to a point where it consumes their mind and causes severe anxiety. They don't act fast at all, and are so cautious that they miss opportunities to get out and try new things. Sensitive and overly defensive of their ideas, they jump to the worst conclusions almost immediately and cannot be trusted under situations involving high tension or trust. Love many, trust few seems to be their motto, seeing as for all the helpfulness in their heart they have few friends and confidants. They can grow so obsessed with being a helper that they forget it's okay to rely on others at times.


Papillion has gray skin, with drippy pink markings on their abdomen. On their chest are markings consisting of a ribcage and pink heart that bleeds blue. There are also blue spikes that circle their waist. Their tootheye has teeth that are both light and dark purple, as does their stomach mouth, and their eye has a pink sclera with a white iris. Their hair is made of clouds and is a swirling sparkly galaxy of pink, blue and yellow, and they have two black bunny ears with pink insides. In their stomach mouth is a goopy tongue that's pink and sparkly. Their legs shimmer pink, blue and yellow, and their abdomen is covered in crystals. The normal crystals are white and fade to pink at the top, while the orb crystals have a pink and lavender galaxy. There is also a pair of light blue butterfly wings on their back and a blue unicorn horn on their forehead. Like all Tarantees, they have a tootheye on each of their palms.


Tarantees are a closed species belonging to succultist. This one's traits are as follows: crystal mutation, unicorn horn, insect wings, 2+ colors per tooth, goopy tongue, cloud hair, kemonomimi ears, spikes on waist.


Fusce ac lacus vitae diam vestibulum efficitur. Sed pellentesque ullamcorper eros at accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo velit eu libero ultrices pellentesque. Aenean consequat posuere ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam nec luctus leo. Vivamus condimentum ligula vel lorem auctor cursus. Nunc sed dolor a sapien tempus congue quis at erat. Duis feugiat rutrum augue convallis sodales.

Duis eu dolor ac magna bibendum lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec tempor nulla et ligula aliquet, vel fermentum dui tincidunt.


Fusce ac lacus vitae diam vestibulum efficitur. Sed pellentesque ullamcorper eros at accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo velit eu libero ultrices pellentesque. Aenean consequat posuere ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam nec luctus leo. Vivamus condimentum ligula vel lorem auctor cursus. Nunc sed dolor a sapien tempus congue quis at erat. Duis feugiat rutrum augue convallis sodales.

Young Adult

Fusce ac lacus vitae diam vestibulum efficitur. Sed pellentesque ullamcorper eros at accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo velit eu libero ultrices pellentesque. Aenean consequat posuere ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam nec luctus leo. Vivamus condimentum ligula vel lorem auctor cursus. Nunc sed dolor a sapien tempus congue quis at erat. Duis feugiat rutrum augue convallis sodales.

Duis eu dolor ac magna bibendum lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec tempor nulla et ligula aliquet, vel fermentum dui tincidunt.


Fusce ac lacus vitae diam vestibulum efficitur. Sed pellentesque ullamcorper eros at accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Sed commodo velit eu libero ultrices pellentesque. Aenean consequat posuere ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam nec luctus leo. Vivamus condimentum ligula vel lorem auctor cursus. Nunc sed dolor a sapien tempus congue quis at erat. Duis feugiat rutrum augue convallis sodales.

Duis eu dolor ac magna bibendum lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec tempor nulla et ligula aliquet, vel fermentum dui tincidunt.

Name relationship

Sed vehicula tempus justo, fringilla efficitur nulla laoreet vitae. Ut nisi libero, laoreet ac ex a, condimentum laoreet dui.

Name relationship

Sed vehicula tempus justo, fringilla efficitur nulla laoreet vitae. Ut nisi libero, laoreet ac ex a, condimentum laoreet dui.

Name relationship

Sed vehicula tempus justo, fringilla efficitur nulla laoreet vitae. Ut nisi libero, laoreet ac ex a, condimentum laoreet dui.

Name relationship

Sed vehicula tempus justo, fringilla efficitur nulla laoreet vitae. Ut nisi libero, laoreet ac ex a, condimentum laoreet dui.


Papillion and their 7 siblings all hatched in the exact same enviroment: darkness. Every single one awoke in the same pitch black room, causing a horde of very confused spider babies. The room they were in appeared to be covered in something soft and squishy on all sides, with no windows and only one locked door, and nobody knew how to fend for themselves in such a mysterious enviroment.

However, it turned out they were not alone. Every day they would hear the sound of the door quickly opening and closing, and someone would come in to feed all eight of them. Nobody knew who it was or where they were aside from by touch, but since this was all they were exposed to in life they accepted it. As time went by the feedings upgraded to different foods, until finally the children were able to gobble it on their own.

Days turned into weeks, months and years, and the spider children led a pitch black, repetitive existence. They only had each other, and through touch and hearing alone the eight of them developed a bond. A very strange bond - one spattered with fights and other primitive behavior - but a bond nonetheless. However, occasionally there were flukes in their wake, eat, sleep cycle. At times someone unknown would come in and do something unknown to one of the children, something that put them in pain to the point of vicious screaming and crying.

It wasn't until age 10 that Papillion and their siblings were finally rescued. All at once someone threw open the door and began calling out for them, and then they were being scooped up and told everything was okay. It was here they learned the truth: all eight spider babies had been kidnapped as eggs and used as victims of a cruel experiment on child psychology. Not only were they mentally damaged from it, but all eight were now blind due to never having light exposure.

Papillion now found themselves in a child's recovery facility where everything was new, different and scary. Now of all a sudden people were talking to them, showing them new things and having them make decisions. All of it was overwhelming. Yet the workers there were all very understanding, and let them take things one step at a time. They were put into intensive therapy and took classes that helped them learn to function in the real world while blind.

One of Papillion's big steps in recovery was at age 15, when they had their first proper interaction with a child. The young spider was very curious about what it was like to be blind, and the two had a long conversation that filled them with happiness. Something about the innocence and joy of a child made them experience that same joy, and from this moment on they knew they wanted to work with children someday.

Overtime Papillion's recovery improved, and they began nurturing and taking care of young spiders wherever possible. It was something they loved to do, and it helped speed up their adapting to the outside world immensely. In adulthood they have become an official children's helper around the facility that helped them live again. Even though their recovery is far from perfect, they're getting there, and have the motivation and love they need to keep moving forward.

extra facts

Seeing as they had no parents to name them, Papillion was given their current name by members of the facility.

They are fascinated by the feeling and phenomenon of snow, and love living in a cold region.

They have a tendency to weave thick blankets out of spider silk and wrap in them for comfort.

coded by vom base design by Nakoo