Quentin Wainwright



7 months, 11 days ago



Name Quentin Wainwright
Nickname N/A
Age 24
Pronouns He/Him
Race Variant Human
Role Warlock Fighter
Height 6'0"
Alignment Neutral Good
Demeanor Reserved
Theme TBD


  • Wealth
  • Travling
  • Peace & Quiet
  • Companionship


  • Cults
  • Poverty
  • Stereotyping
  • Shallowness

Associated Characters


Starting life in the family business of cart making, he enrolled in the town guard to bring some coins in for his family and his own benefit. Actively taking part in the guard and learning carpentry in his spare time, Quentin had no real aspirations for his life besides being able to live better than his parents did in their later years. Not that he was exactly poor, he just wanted a bigger buffer between himself and the gutter.

However, as most stories and tales go, one day, Quentin was placed on duty and encountered a weary adventurer who turned out to be the classic evil spellcaster. Not involved in the initial fighting, Quentin was one of the guards sent to deal with the aftermath. Demonic entities had been summoned within the city gates and were attacking the people. Terrified, he fought alongside his fellow guardsmen and women until the threat was eliminated.

The damage revealed in the aftermath led to the city gathering up a militia to storm what they correctly believed to be the hideout for those responsible; it was soon revealed to be a demonic cult. Quentin was among those who attacked the cult along with a party of adventurers who had with them many blessed by the gods; he was one of the few survivors from among the city militia. They had undone the cults' activities and ruined the evil mastermind's plan, but it had cost Quentin dearly, and worse, the leader had escaped. Quentin now seeks to find the ones responsible for the death of his friends and his current condition.

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