Zerad Lumire



7 months, 10 days ago


Yeah? And you can fuck right off.
Zerad Lumire
Male, He/Him
Human, sx6


After dropping out of university, Zerad completely shut himself out of society and kept his contact with others to a minimum. He takes on odd jobs here and there to support himself, but having no goals or plans for the future, he lives out each day at a loss for whats to come.


Zerad can be characterized as a hot-headed person, driven by his own emotions rather than any sort of logic. He stays true to what he believes in and dislikes being told what to do, as his first priority is always himself and preserving his sense of identity. However, this usually leads to overconfidence on his end, which can lead to horrible first impressions.

Zerad is often seen picking a fight or arguing with others over seemingly inconsequential reasons, finding it difficult to communicate with those around him. He has trouble with expressing his emotions properly, which results in him lashing out or taking things way too seriously and making him incredibly difficult to work with. Though at heart, Zerad is absolutely terrified of what the world has in store for him, so he feels the need to compensate for it by carrying out a tough persona.

He always carries around a stash of lollipops in his pocket.
His shirt is the same one he wore in highschool.
He prefers foods with strong flavors as it's easier to taste.


Because I'm not worthless and I'm not going to let you talk to me like I am!


Madness and Morality Assessment Universe (AU)

Zerad is the season 1 participant and survivor of MMAU as one of the test subjects for the Madness and Morality Assessment (MMA) conducted by an unknown organization. Unable to continue a normal life after the death of his peers and the traitor/mastermind, Zerad ultimately decides to destroy the organization with his own hands. Upon his arrival, he stumbles across another survivor, Ridley Hendrix, and the two devise a plan to bring an end to the organization that ultimately resulted in the destruction of the main headquarters.

However, the surviving members of the organization decided to continue out their plans for a second MMA, leading to the events of season 2 with an AI hostess named Karma. And although Ridley attempted an infiltration of season 2, he fell victim to the killing game, leaving Zerad to carry out their task alone. During the final chapter, Zerad barges into the trial trial room and succeeded in freeing the remaining participants, but as he searched for Karma's blueprints he was caught by an organization member and fell unconscious.

As the organization continued to rebuild itself for another season of the MMA, Zerad was interrogated regarding his role and reasons for infiltration. But due to his stubborn nature, the organization received no new information from him, and he was forced to endure interrogational torture and lose parts of his memories. Right as the 3rd killing game began, Zerad managed to take down one of the members and snatch a communication device from them, allowing him access to a computer room in the MMA experimentation building, disguised as a museum. He worked with the participants to transfer intel, ultimately leading to his appearance in chapter 5, though this time as a hostage. Zerad had already transferred enough information to roughly recreate the Karma AI by this point, which lead to the robot barging into the trial room and catching the host, Justice off guard. After Karma successfully takes down Justice, Zerad manages to escape from his binds and distract the hostess, allowing the others to escape. Though this time the exit remained tightly shut, and with no other means of escape, the participants followed after a loud explosion that came from the trial room only to be met with no traces of the two hosts and Zerad Lumire.


Xen old friend

"I hate how he always tries to butt in everyone's business. So what if he can say a few nice words? That doesn't mean he knows everything about me!"

Freyr ex friend

"I don't get it. Why did she do that? Was everything she said a lie? Was she just pitying me this whole time? I--ugh... I don't want to think about it anymore."

Ryuen friend

"At first I didn't want anything to do with them, but I'm glad they stuck around. They're pretty smart and knows what they're doing, so I think I can trust them."

Alec Lemieux dislike

"Who does he think he is, huh? Always acting like he's better than everyone just because of his family--people like him pisses me off the most!"