Pink Tanzanite



4 months, 20 days ago


Character Theme(s): 
EQUALITY—Michelle Creber & Black Gryph0n
Someone Like Me—Aviators

Gem type: Zoisite

Rank: Bishop

Pronouns: he/him/his or they/them/their

Clothing: light-pink fluffy feather boa, blue-ish no-sleeve top with unattached bell-top sleeves, pink pants, and black boots. 

Height: 6'7"

Hair color: Pink

Gem Location: Top of back

Weapon: Sword—he's very graceful and elegant, more agile in battle than powerful. This means he mostly fights on the defensive and his best offensive is his speed and his sword helps with that, acting as protection and working like an extension of him. 

Special abilities: He is very good with technology, having installed small computers into his sleeves that he carries around at all times. They allow him to do his own research as well, instead of always having to follow orders. He is also a psychic, and he uses that to gather information~

Fun fact: He is very shy and is growing increasingly uncomfortable on Homeworld, and he's starting to see that Homeworld's ways aren't exactly "ethical". However, he would never let anyone know this (years of staying quiet has made him quite good at keeping his thoughts private - being a psychic helps too), and he's too shy to really even do anything anyway. 

Favorite Quote: "Excuse me... I-I don't mean to offend anyone, but..."