Sub Agent 3



4 months, 6 days ago


Title                "Sub" Neo Agent 3
Splashtag        -
Name              Fisk
Species           Octoling
Pronouns       He/Him

Fisk was born into the Octarian Underground to a mother suffering from Egg Sickness, two older siblings and a restless father. His father had heard Calamari Inkantation and wanted to leave to the surface, but knew taking his family would be too difficult, especially since the way to the surface was blocked by special elite soldiers, named the Glass Soldiers. He decied to take what he could carry, an infant Fisk, and flee on his own, leaving his family behind.

Unfortunately, he was killed by the Glass Soldiers and they planned to take Fisk to the Octarian orphanage. One of the Glass Soldiers knew the family he belonged to, the Fisk family, and offered to take him home but when left alone they took him to the surface instead to try and deal with their own guilt. They left Fisk where he could easily be found in Inkopolis and left him with the only name they knew, his last name, and went back to the underground.

Fisk grew up in an orphanage in Inkopolis. He was one of the only Octolings so he was treated different, he got the care he needed but he was left alone often. He grew to be quite independent, and when he was a teenager he followed the fresh crowd over to Splatsville, where Octolings and many other species were easily accepted. He didn't make plans outside of that and ended up living in a home for teenagers by Grizzco. There he met his bunkmate, Silver.

The two initially butted heads, having opposite personalities (and standards of cleanliness). But opposites attract and the two ended up becoming best friends once they figured out their differences. They did everything together, Turf, Ranked, Side Jobs and even Grizzco until Silver decided she couldn't because of her Little Buddy. Fisk and Silver were inseparable.



Weapon         -
Emote            -
Splatnet         -

Extra              Has two siblings he barely remembers.