Jiro Ikari



4 months, 4 days ago



Jiro Ikari


148 years old (2141)

August 5th, 1993

Cisgender Man


7'3ft (220cm)

700lbs (317kg)

Half Human/Half Oni (Chimera)

Asian (Japanese)

Contract killer

Hiroshima, Japan


  • Fighting
  • Chaos
  • Onsen (hot springs)
  • Blood from his enemies

  • Pacifism
  • Weak opponents
  • Witches
  • Winter

  • Was the first to discover his families true and ultimate form who he dubbed "Phase 3" of the Ikari form.
  • Became apart of the Yakuza when he was 17 years old.
  • When traveling around the world Jiro was able to learn every martial arts. As Oni's are easy to quickly learn and adapt to their environment.
  • Jiro has infinite strengh due to his controlling of Phase 3.
  • His glasses are able to translate languages from other realms.










  • Strong
  • Firm
  • Patient
  • Confident

  • Aggressive
  • Stubborn
  • Cruel
  • Unkind

Jiro desires to be the most powerful and hopes to make is kind the deadliest and strongest. Training each of his children, teaching them how to kill with no mercy. His methods for training them can sometimes be rough and cruel. But in his eyes he sees it as giving them tough love.

Jiro does has more confidence in his younest son. In that he will rival not only him but the gods themself. And though he gives them hardship he does reward them in the best way he can as he sees it as them doing a good job. Jiro isn't too fluent with his emotions and will sometimes deny them but he does have some twisted love for his children.



Jiro Ikari was born in Hiroshima Japan during the early 90s. His Father was a well known Yakuza chairman and was leading the most powerful family in the city. Jiro was always wanting a fight ever since he was a toddler he had the desire to fight. As he got older Jiro fought anyone who he deemed as worthy opponent. However one day he took it too far when tragedy struck. This would tear his family a part, causing his Father to disown him. Though the families dynamic was tainted byt this tragedy this would only make Jiro wanna fight more.

Even though his Father wanted nothing to do with his own son he still would get him out from under the law. Jiro would soon be met by a his father's rival yakuza family known as the Nakamura family from Kyoto. As the patriarch saw his powerful skill and beast like battle aura. They knew he was related to their enemies but when he told them he wasn't with his father, so instead of making an enemy of Jiro he would let Jiro join their family. Jiro didn't mind the Yakuza life but he was more interested in fighting. One day Jiro would kill the very man that brought him into the Nakamura family. Cause of this he was a target. Though Jiro was strong he would be overwhelmed by an army of yakuza memebers and corrupt law enforcement. He would flee Japan and find other ways to get stronger.


Through his journey he would learn more about his families demonic form through hidden note written by his grandfather, Mine Ikari. A form that his father kept away hidden from their family. Jiro learned that what he had obtain is what he dubbed "Phase 1 of the Ikari form". He would learn to control this form and strengthen it's power gaining it's potential. Jiro would learn martial arts around the east and then end his trainers life. But he still wasn't able to go further beyond. Jiro would keep this up but soon lose interest struggling to figure out how to obtain the level beyond. But he knew that he was close he just couldn't figure out how to awaken it.

Soon Jiro would visit a village in thailand, he lived among the villagers growing a connection before slaughtering every last one of them. This is when he was finally able to unlock phase 2 its desire for blood lust of the weak and innocent. Jiro would grown stronger and stronger and soon was world wide as a national threat which didn't help the fact that there were already continents going to war with each other. Jiro was known as the bringer of chaos and feared by many. It isn't until he met a strange man, taller than him infact. With a terrorfing arua. He would covnice that Jiro had much hire potenial and that when this world burns he should join him. Jiro found this man to be somewhat threatening and someone that is probably above his power.


Jiro would face against the military, Fighting a whole army on his own but he had taken a lot damage through the battle,. He can feel his body begin to give in and collapse he roars a great roar killing all that was surrounding him as he was finally able to obtain phase 3 of the Ikari form. Jiro would come back to hiroshima killing his own Mother and the rest of the ex yakuza since yakuza's were no more in the 2020s. Jiro would find his Father in his office demanding a battle but he his father wpuld deny him so Jiro would attack and beat his father into a bloody mess and before he can finish him off the Nuke hit all parts of the world. Jiro had survive the blast but his father was left only a skeleton.

Jiro would soon be met again by the same tall man he met before as the man revealed himself to be a god and told Jiro that he and the other gods plan to fix this world and it's flaws, asking him to join. Jiro would accept as he would live on in the wastelands. As Jiro was to be the Gods help in hand and their deadly warrior who would soon become as contract killer for the God of east city.


Kai (Jack) Ikari Son (1st child)

Kai is one Jiro's first and oldest child, Kai was born decades after the nuclear war happened. Jiro wanted Kai to be one of his prodigy but Kai was more pure hearted and rarely dawn the evil form that his family can use. Kai would be able to make it to the 3rd and final phase but he would betray and use it against his father. But it was a cost in vain as he would lose his eye sight in both eyes but his third and he would be exiled to the wastelands.

Verra Ikari Daughter (2nd child)

Jiro was rarely in Verra's life as she was growing him. Even as an infant she would respond to him with aggression, which he enjoyed. But cause of her deadly nature the gods wanted her to be in someone else's care and not Jiro's. Because of this the last time he would ever see his daughter is when she was 6 years old.

Kirei Ikari Daughter (3rd child)

Kirei and Jiro don't get along especially since Kirei has transition. Jiro was not too fond of that. He still deadnames her and begrudgingly will say her new name. She does try to want to bond with him but Jiro never shows interest.

Akoka Ikari Daughter (4th child)

Akoka being one of his daughters, Jiro shows a little more restraint but still gives her hard training. He does not believe in her strength as much unlike his other children but he gives her more stealth and ambush training.

Kiryu Ikari Son (6th child)

Kiryu is one of Jiro's "bastard children" as he had slept with a prostitute. He didn't believe her after she had the child that it was his as. Kiryu was born a slickly child with an infirm body with his 3rd eye unable to open. When Kiryu was 3, Jiro Killed his Mother infront of him. Witnessing this trauma his third eye would finally open , somehow this had cured his sickness. From then on Jiro would make Kiryu believe it was his fault for his mothers death. Jiro did this so he can carry his rage and use it for violence.

Kenji Ikari Son (7th child)

Jiro sees Kenji as his true prodigy and that he can live up to his potential. Ever since he was a child, Jiro sense great power, power that could be greater that phase 3 of the Ikari form. Jiro always put Kenji on a pedestal. Training him and treating him like he's the golden child out of all his siblings.

Rain Zhao Ex-wife

Rain Zhao is the mother of Kenji and Jiro's ex-wife. The two of them hooking up after east city had finished building. Jiro was attracted to her sharpness and fire. The two would soon get married and have Kenji. However after Kenji was born Jiro became cold to her and abusive. As he would only care about Kenji. The two would divorce and seperate with Jiro only have visting for Kenji.

Barka Kenji's bestfriend

Jiro finds Barka to be a distration for being around Kenji. Stopping him from becoming what Jiro wants Kenji to be. Though in some sense he sorta likes Barka for his tenacity and fighting spirit. But he also finds Barka's appearence to be slightly familiar.

Zodiak Complex lover

Zodiak was somewhat something Jiro had a fling with. They use to have a sadistic relationship as they both enjoyed slaughtering the weak and getting off from it. Jiro will say he regrets those moments but deep down he had enjoyed them.


  • Has a third eye on his forehead.
  • Wears a cursed yakuza tattoos on his chest, shoulders, and back.
  • Wears what appears has regular reading glasses.
  • Wears a gold metal ogre/oni skull with fur on his right shoulder.

Hair color Black

Eye color Black

Skin color Sand

Body type Muscular inverted triangle