Oskar (Extras)





Abbreviated Timeline

Field of Study:

Transmutation (specializing in metallurgy and enchanting materials).

Major Publications:

"Utilizing sub-dermal alchemical ink injections to amplify and project innate arcane properties in magic users"

Overseeing Didact:

Gawain Vix, Didact of Transmutation.

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60 AO [Age: 0]

Birth of Oskar Daarach Azkanhalyan
  • Oskar Daarach was born on the 40th of Mindril in 60 Age of Order to Amreen Azkanhalyan and Daarach Yumus Azkanhalyan.
  • A pregnant Amreen was struck by lightning mid-labor in the backseat of the carriage her husband was driving through a storm. Lightning first struck the roof of the carriage, blasting a hole through it. Then, in an act of nature so infinitesimally unlikely it created a weakness in the fabric of reality, lightning struck the carriage again, this time hitting Amreen.
  • There is the potential for a sorcerer to be created in the midst of the rift of chaos formed when a hypothetically possible but statistically impossible event occurs. Such was the event that spawned Oskar.
  • Oskar's feotal soul absorbed the energy of the lightning strike, leaving his mother extremely shaken but otherwise unharmed. Neither Amreen nor her husband would inform anyone of this supernatural experience, out of respect for the trauma the event caused Amreen and due to the family's superstitious nature.
  • As far as everyone else was concerned, Oskar was a perfectly normal, healthy baby boy born on a stormy summer's eve.

70 AO [Age: 10]

Oskar's Powers Manifest
  • Oskar's sorcerous powers laid dormant for years, too weak to be of any notice to anyone. Nevertheless, Oskar was treated differently by his mother--treated with a degree of caution and wariness that Amreen did not harbor towards any of her other 9 children--but he paid it no mind, being the blithely ignorant child he was.
  • In the summer of Oskar's 10th birthday, Oskar was diving in the family's lake. He dove too deep and got tangled in the foliage at the lake's bottom, trapping himself beneath the water. As he began to drown, Oskar came to a profound realization: he could die. He was mortal. This moment of self-actualization, paired with his panic, finally awoke those latent powers and sparked his soul to charge, letting out an electric blast that charred the foliage and electrocuted the surrounding fish.
  • Oskar came out of the water with freshly pink eyes and a new, terrified outlook on life. The Azkanhalyans were deeply superstitious regarding sorcerers due to an incident in the family's past featuring one of Oskar's ancestors. There was no hiding what had happened: Oskar's own siblings had witnessed the blinding flash from the edge of the lake.
  • Faced with his family's zero-tolerance policy, Oskar's father Daarach was forced to make the decision to separate Oskar from his home on the family ranch, sending him off to learn how to control his magic at the arcane University of Theracarcus, where Daarach's brother-in-law Audemus worked.

76 AO [AGE: 16]

Oskar Partially Deafens Himself & Gets Suspended

78 AO [AGE: 18]

Oskar Has a Near-Death Experience

81 AO [AGE: 21]

Oskar Becomes a Virtue of Transmutation

82 AO [AGE: 22]

Oskar Departs For Logos
Code by Aurorean