


2 months, 27 days ago


If I don’t hate him, then I didn’t let him break me enough to destroy every memory I had of us. I hurt but I survived, and I moved on with my life. I did not let one man ruin me.

Oskar Azkanhalyan

Storm Sorcerer


Rukub majaanan wabaeida.
Ride free and far.







semi-masculine [he/they]






5'9" [178cm]


chaotic good


sorcerer wizard


"It doesn’t take much for me to fall for someone. I’m open with my emotions, and my affection is freely given. But the feelings are real, and they run deep. And, more often than not, I’m theirs, for as long as they will have me."

Oskar has a unique appearance that makes him a memorable character. Be it his unusual eye color, the coppery tint to his hair, his body type or overall face shape, he's very much one-of-a-kind. He is pretty because he puts forth a lot of effort into looking that way—he finds being read as beautiful (rather than handsome) affirming to his sense of identity.

In terms of personality, Oskar is a bright and energetic socialite who always strives to make others feel welcome and understood. He is always willing to lend an ear to friends in need— and he has a lot of them. His greatest strength is his fast, creative mind, and his fearlessness to be himself and make mistakes. He has hard-earned emotional wisdom beyond his age, and if his world had such things as therapists, he would excel at being one. He's easy-going, witty, and enjoys his sense of humor.

Oskar's innate sorcerous powers are a bit of a moot topic for him. On the one hand, he makes great use of his powers and is never short on energy. On the other hand, he can be a bit too energetic (even for his own tastes) and his differences were a source of alienation from his peers and from his family, growing up. His greatest weakness is his abandonment complex and compulsive desire to be in a relationship: to be validated and loved by a partner.



  • Underneath the fat and muscle, he's strangely lanky, with unusually long arms and legs relative to his torso.
  • Oskar has had many piercings over the course of his life, but at the age of 23 he's minimized them down to one piercing (a golden hoop) on each ear, as well as one nipple piercing. He's still Oskar, after all.
  • Oskar has a number of tattoos of arcane, aesthetic, and sentimental nature.
  • Oskar has a decently large burn and shrapnel scar covering his left elbow. It doesn't impair his mobility too much, but he does take care to moisturize the scar tissue with some frequency.
  • Oskar's left canine is chipped, making it thin, sharp, and fairly fragile. It was chipped when he was 18. He knows he's going to loose the whole tooth eventually, but for now, it's just a gap (best seen here).




[ School of Invention ]
Adherents of this school believe that innovation is best served through experimentation. They have a reputation for acting first, thinking second. These wizards would rather throw spells at a wall to see what sticks.












A large metal staff with a star-shaped head that acts as an excellent conductor for Oskar's lightning. It also makes for a decent warpick, spear, and bludgeoning weapon if need be.


  • Oskar's initial origins were from Dragon Age Inquisition. He's come a long way since then but there's still some hints of DA in his story.
  • A big source of inspiration for Oskar was myself, when I was child.
  • Oskar is bisexual and bigender in modern terminology. He also has ADHD, although his universe has not yet developed in order to identify, diagnose, and treat him.
  • Oskar's natural hair texture is far curlier, but he's gone through many phases with different hair lengths and textures. At the age of 23 he's in the habit of artfully straightening his hair and using hair products to keep it in shape.
  • Oskar's favorite color is either red or gold (depending on his mood), but he quietly does enjoy pink as well. He just thinks it's a bit cliché and tries to avoid color-matching with his eyes.

A New Mission - Josh Whitehouse

Audemus Emilios

Uncle. Oskar is the official ward of the Emilios household and has lived under Audemus' roof since he was 16 years old. He tends to look up to Audemus as something of a paternal figure. See Links for more detail on character relationships!

Kai Emilios

Uncle. Oskar generally dislikes Kai and finds him to be a callous, misguided and manipulative individual. Kai tends to see Oskar as a bit of a doormat.

Atalie Azkanhalyan

Sister. Oskar cares a great deal for Atalie as does she for him, but their connection to opposite uncles has driven a bit of a rift between them as of late.

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