
5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info






British White/Holstien Mix Bull




Stacy (and 13 other calves)


Grandparents: Oberon and Sky, Parents: Leanne and Clayton

Trivia (RP Universe Only)

He Had Kidney Failure, And Ebony donated one of her Kidneys to him, as she was apparently a match.


Stacy's Father, a stern faced bull with a soft side. BIO: Rone was a difficult birth for his mother, Leanne- a pure-bred British White cow. His father, Clayton, was a Holstien British White mix, so Rone was on the large side taking on the Holstine genes of his father. His mother was a stubborn heifer, nipping a hand or two in her day, while his wild-born father, Clayton, was a docile and gentle bull, much to everyone's surprise. However, Rone definately got his temper from his tyrant Paternal grandfather, Oberon. 

Growing up on the farm he was born on, it was a nightmare separating him from his mother, not that her stubborn nature helped any. When they finally managed to separate them, he spent a lot of time with his father, where he learned a lot about the herd he came from, and the culture. He soon realized that he can understand humans, like his father- learning it was a rare gift.

When he was old enough, the humans intended to breed him, but being the tempermental stubborn bull he was, he spent his time resisting the humans when they tried to move him to the next pasture to service heifers. When they had enough, they figured they didn't want him to breed anymore, and practically dragged him to a different ranch- with him, of course, resisting all the way. they asked the head rancher, George Gavin, if he would take him- as he was a known animal whisperer so to speak. Rone was snorting and tossing his head, pulling and kicking the entire time... until he saw her. 

Rone noticed Lady in a near by stall. Lady was a prized pure-bred Holstine show cow, and Rone was immediately smitten. The humans noticed the instant change in Rone's behavure, and tied him near Lady, leaving them alone for a while as he was in a calm dazed state. From that day on, Rone activly sought out Lady outside in the paddock. of all the other heifers and cows in the field, Rone had eyes for only her. He spent a lot of time trying to woo her, becoming gentle and sweet. it eventually paid off- as Rone fathered over 14 calves in his lifetime with Lady. George Gavin even went as far as giving Rone and Lady a enlarged stall where they could stay together. 

When Lady was pregnant with her last calf, a farm hand left the barn door ajar, and wolves wandered in. Rone valliantly fought them off, but in the fight, he was critically injured and unfortunately passed away the same night. the very next day a grief-stricken Lady gave birth to a Heifer calf, she named Star (Later named Stacy by other humans). She later died of an illness, and Stacy was soon given away to a new home. 


(RP Universe Only! Rone doesn't come back in The Prarie Saga) 

Many Years later, Lorry developed a special potion, and managed to bring Rone back to life, giving him a human form later on. he got to meet his daughter and her children for the first time.