
4 years, 8 months ago


British White- Leanna's Fur Pattern Style

Leanna is a pure-bred British White cow that lives on a rather nice dairy farm- more so a pet than part of the dairy team. She has her own paddock and stable, and has been a dam to three pure-bred calves, likely sold off to be show cattle. She is a tough, stubborn girl, but playfully mischievous. She's a mom who knows what's best for her calves, even if the 'idiot humans' don't. She's been known to nip at hands, kick over milk buckets, refusing to move when pushed, all for her own amusement. 

She heard about Clayton before she saw him- the wild born with a star on his forehead. She laughed at the notion that Clayton didn't put up a fight when being brought to the farm, so of course when they first met face to face Leanna had to poke fun at him. She was later impressed when he managed to jump the fence between them, and found that he was growing on her a bit.

It wasn't long until she found out the hard way that his visits had been fruitful. Leanna's humans were getting ready to breed her again, when they found out that she was already pregnant. As none of the humans saw Clayton jump the fence, they were stumped on how a seemingly isolated Leanna was already with calf. 

When it came time for her to give birth, she had a real hard time. She was assisted by a vet, who helped her bring a healthy (and quite abnormally large) Bull calf, Rone, into the world. No sooner was Rone dried off did the humans notice the star on his forehead and put two and two together- and they resolved to build a taller fence between Clayton and Leanna.