Esterlynn Grayour



3 months, 28 days ago


  • Name Esterlynn Grayour
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Sexuality Queer
  • Race Altmer/Breton
  • Class Mage
  • Esterlynn
  • 21
  • Female

"Fire shooters! Pew pew pew! Pat-tat-tat-tat-a-tat."

Esterlynn was eager to get into the college, despite her father not wanting her to get into magic. She ends up finding an incredibly powerful artifact called the Eye of Magnus. Not only that, but she also makes friendships along the way. She grows close to Mirabelle and Ancano. She spends her time in the college learning new spells but also creating her own. She loves creating new spells for people to use, she especially loves the destruction class, her favorite element being fire. Although she loves the destruction class, she doesn't really hurt others. Her story goes along with the questline of the College of Winterhold. .

After the questline for the college, Esterlynn's family farm gets destroued and her family goes missing. Esterlynn falls down a dark path in finding her family. She gets turned into a vampire, not by her choice, and learns some very dangerous magic. She becomes more snappy with everyone who knows her, using her new Arch Mage title to her advantage to get away with nearly anything she wants. She kept Ancano alive, and uses him for his thalmor insight. The thalmor no longer have an interest in Ancano, and want him dead, so now Ancano is alone. Ancano grows guilty for everything he's done to Esterlynn, but she is too blinded by her own hate and desire for revenge to see it. Esterlynn grows hungry for revenge against the thalmor and desires to find her family. Doing anything she has to, not letting anything or anyone get in her way.


  • Magic/Learning
  • Bread
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Purple


  • Ice/Cold
  • Spiders
  • Sunlight (has sun sensitivity)
  • Darkness