Clara (Pepper Mint)



3 months, 15 days ago


Kooky eldest sister of the Irvine family, and the first to get powers as a magical girl. She's seen as a bit batty by her peers, but she's a kind person, so she gets along with most everyone.

Clara is fiercely protective of her younger sisters Naomi and Musa, and worries for them once she ages out. As much as she's eager to join the family dentistry business, Clara is glad for the chance to let loose first as a magical girl.

When transformed, she's got a sort of nutcracker ballet theme. Her powers are to use her magical nutcracker (which she insists on calling a 'pepper grinder' to go with her Magical Girl title) to create a flammable sort of magic dust (the pepper!), which she can use to detonate things whenever she likes. She can also bash enemies with the nutcracker itself, or throw the nuts (peppercorns!!!) directly for a stronger uncontroll d explosion, but the latter wastes a bunch of magic at once, so she doesn't do it often.