Kira Ayakii



3 months, 18 days ago


Competitive Splat Zones Enthusiast





And you're dragging me into this because . . . ?


NAME Kira Ayakii


AGE 16 - 18

BIRTHDAY September 5th

GENDER Cisfemale



OCCUPATION Agent 5 (Neo)










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Kira has a cold stare. She does smile occasionally, but it's not so often. She's quiet, reserved, and not afraid to kick some ass. Despite this, she'll almost always accept a new friend, or at least put in the effort to make chatter with co-workers. She'll let you know when she doesn't want to talk by giving you the cold shoulder.

You could say she's nice. She doesn't pick fights with people for no reason and she has a pretty moderate tolerance for fuckshit. She'll also hold a conversation, as said before. On her missions, she is incredibly focused, but sometimes that gives her tunnel vision, and that never ends good. And when you're an Agent, you have to be versatile. Luckily, she is.




sleeveless shirts
sore losers



Her life at home was . . . mediocre. Her parents weren't the best, but they also weren't the worst. Yes, she does still hold some childhood grudges from her parents taking away her phone and her books and her tablet when she did something they didn't like, but it goes beyond that. Her parents were very paranoid. Not in the sense that they wouldn't let her go 5 seconds out of their sight, but in the sense that they made making new friends sound like a terrifying thing. She stayed quiet in school. Kids thought she was weird but no one had decided to bother her. She's had her cold stare ever since the beginning of middle school and it made people scared to go near her.

It wasn't until she was almost in high school that she finally decided to make the effor to make friends. It worked, and it wasn't as scary as her parents made it out to be. She could've had something awesome back in kindergarten, but her parents prevented it. It's something she's been trying to change about herself, but old habits die hard. So yeah, maybe she resents them a little.


Despite the fact that she could make friends now, she couldn't make very many. After running into the same person multiple times because of matching schedules, she became the extrovert that picked her up and brought her to her group. She wouldn't talk very much since she didn't know what to say, but when the two were alone, she couldn't stop the words from flowing out of her mouth. She didn't know what it was, but of course Isako, the extrovert, wouldn't mind. Isako tried to get Kira to talk more around their other friends, but nothing seemed to work, Kira just never knew what to say. Or if she did, it was a very short response. Sure enough, Kira and Isako were best friends. Isako gave her a gift one day. It was a locket and she had a matching one too. "Forever Friends" was etched inside of it.

One day, she looked up what it meant that she could talk for hours to someone. Multiple websites suggested that she was in love. The amount of heat on her face was immeasurable. She even asked her parents how they were when they first met, and they said that they would talk to each other a lot too! Maybe she really was in love . . . .


Curiosity killed the cat, and while Kira isn't a cat, holy fucking shit did her curiosity kill her hundreds of times. On her first day of participating in Turf Wars, she noticed a weirdly placed manhole by the steps before the lobby. She didn't think to much of it at first, but she kept seeing it every time she went to play Turf. Why was it there? How was it there? Kira's always been the kind to ask questions she most absolutely wants the answer to. She figured no one else would be able to give them to her, so she decided to find out for herself.

Worst. Mistake. Ever.

She got dragged into some secret agent work that the old man she met wouldn't really let her say no to. She was good at keeping secrets, there was no problem there, but she definitely was not the best at using weapons since she had only recently started doing Turf War. She wasn't even the right candidate for the job. But the old man insisted, so she agreed. He had her walking through some weird looking ink with her little buddy Hook, who she met right before she started doing Turf Wars, and fighting strange octolings. Couldn't be the worst thing, right? . . . right?


She fell. After fighting that octoling with that huge machine, she fell. She thought it was over. She thought she couldn't say goodbye to the people she loved. She thought she couldn't even try to get better at the Tri-Stringer. After landing, she opened her eyes, thinking that the brightness of the place meant that she was in heaven, and that Hook came along with her. She blinked a couple of times, soon realizing that she was still alive, but was too out of it to celebrate. She had landed in Alterna. Meeting five other squids that also seemed a bit fucked up, she realized that she was definitely outnumbered now.

The experience wasn't as bad as it could've been, though. She had a companion. Yes, she had Hook, but she had met a lionfish that also seemed to be doing these missions against their will. At least that was one thing they could bond over, and at least Kira wasn't alone. Kira didn't like her at first because she got pickpocketed, so she gave her the silent treatment for a bit. She realized, though, that they were going to be together for a while, so Noriko was lucky enough to get a second chance from her.

After dealing with that whole ordeal, reading about the culture, reading about the past, fighting the members of Deep Cut, and having to get launched into space to make sure a lonely ass bear doesn't destroy the fucking world, she never wants to go into Alterna again. Though, every now and then, she's curious about the logs she's unlocked from O.R.C.A., and has thoughts about rereading over them again. There's something about the past that's so . . . fascinating to her.



The love of her life. Isako is an inkling who took Kira's heart by storm. It wasn't a "love at first sight" kind of deal, but more of a "they kept bumping into each other and decided to hang out" kind of deal. Kira is absolutely in love with everything about Isako . . . and she knows Isako feels the same about her. Kira constantly thinks about getting married to her. It's currently the relationship goal that she wants to pursue. When she's sure she can handle it, of course.


She didn't like Noriko at first. When Kira meets new people, they have to pass a vibe check. Noriko was fine the very first time they met, but she decided to pickpocket from her when they were talk about each others' pasts. Sure it wasn't out of malicious intent, but it still didn't pass the vibecheck so Kira wouldn't talk to her. Some grudges just have to be let go, however, because communication was going to be very important for the two of them regarding this job. So, she gave Noriko a second chance. And she passed!


Mintatious is her captain. Like her, he didn't talk much, which Kira already resonated with. She had no trouble following whatever orders he gave to her (or what Marie said he said), and his company was nice. Sometimes when she wasn't carrying out any missions, the two would talk to each other about themselves. Kira learned that Mintatious' parents were also to blame for him being quiet. Another thing Kira could resonate with. The two can sit in each others' silence. She likes that quality in a captain.


Sylvie was there when her and Noriko took on the role of Neo 3. Kira had wondered at first why she also wasn't partaking in the missions they were, but she soon found out that it was because Sylvie was already an Agent in this organization, Agent 4 to be exact. She liked watching how Sylvie and Noriko and Alys interacted with each other, they were really cute. Sylvie was one of the only people who really talked a lot, but it didn't bother Kira. Maybe it was her personality that balanced it out.


Axel is Noriko's captain, but that allowed him to technically be Kira's captain as well, which, okay, sure. There's nothing wrong with a co-captain. Kira didn't talk to him as much as she had talked to everyone else, but it wasn't because she didn't like him. She just . . . didn't really know what to talk about, but that's okay. Axel wasn't mean, he didn't yell, and he was very supportive. She likes him.


Alys was somebody that Noriko and Sylvie knew. They kept Noriko company and took care of the smallfry that followed Noriko when she couldn't. Kira didn't really talk that much to Alys either, but they would happily answer questions that Kira had. Seeing how red Alys could make Noriko with a simple comment was always an entertaining thing to see. She was also fascinated by their ability to communicate with salmonids. Kira thought they were pretty cool.


  • She thinks about the past WAY too much
  • Hook (her Smallfry) likes to chew on her hair
  • Her hairclip was given to her by Isako
  • Even after becoming partners, Kira still wears the friendship locket that Isako gave her
  • Her favorite color is purple
  • She wears the Squid Hairclip, Squid Satin Jacket, and Hunter Hi-Tops for her gear

code by icecreampizzer
photo credits: pic 1 || pic 2 || pic 3