Guppy Ainara



3 years, 5 months ago


Guppy Ainara
Basic Info
Name Guppy Ainara

Nickname Fishstick

Birthday N/A

Age 21

Gender Male, he/him

Race Octoling

Ink Color Sunset Red

Eye Color Turquoise

Gear TBD

Weapon(s) Kensa Splattershot Jr.

Role Side-stepper

Affiliation Boyfriend, Father

Status Alive

Fighting Style Sub Abuser

  • Minty
  • Mint-blue things
  • Fishsticks
  • Marina
  • Pearl
  • Cap'n Cuttlefish
  • Mint-green things
  • Telepones
  • Commander Tartar
  • Blenders
  • Elevators
  • Chargers
Appearance & Personality

Guppy is a red-inked Octoling with beautiful turquoise eyes and cool, honey brown skin. Like his boyfriend, Guppy sports a few scars as well, though those tend to be hidden on his back. They're in a very convenient place for him; he wouldn't know how he would feel if he saw scars that came from his time in the Metro—from his own boyfriend—every time he looked in the mirror. Despite this, Minty is able to make him feel better about them whenever he traces over them. It's a nice feeling, especially after Minty felt equally as bad for them. In Inkopolis, he was equipped with the Fishfry Biscuit Bandana, Silver Tentakek Jacket, and Tea Green Hunting Boots. Traveling to Splatsville, however, has him wear the Barazushi Tuff Duffel and Skipjack Work Boots instead. He still keeps his bandana, though.

Guppy is incredibly extroverted, making him and Minty an introvert/extrovert duo. Well, more like loud/quiet. Minty doesn't mind meeting new people, he just never speaks to them. He'll use sign langauge instead. Guppy is one of the few lucky people who get to hear Minty's deep, beautiful voice. Guppy's mouth is always curled into a smile, and he's always there to keep the energy if things get rough. He also always prioritizes helping others rather than splatting them. It's how he found Inko. That, and it was a lucky shot for her, as he had knocked the shades off of her head instead of splatting her instantly. Oh, but don't let that seemingly innocent demeanor throw you off. Guppy can get the job done when he sets his mind to it, so you'd better stay the hell away from his friends and family.


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Ut pulvinar vel odio at sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Praesent sollicitudin enim eu scelerisque gravida. Mauris justo nisi, aliquet ut aliquam id, molestie eu turpis. Nunc at pellentesque ante. Duis pulvinar vitae erat ut sollicitudin. Praesent ac nisl id libero varius scelerisque ac et neque. Curabitur orci risus, facilisis in velit at, mattis viverra elit.

Phasellus elementum placerat erat ac placerat. Nulla ac ante turpis. Curabitur sit amet quam sodales dolor lacinia consectetur vitae vel massa. Sed elementum rutrum risus nec rhoncus. Proin a mattis sapien. Sed a scelerisque diam, et feugiat purus. Etiam luctus dui et iaculis maximus. Maecenas nisi nisi, faucibus non lacus vel, tempor ultrices ante. Donec sapien dui, gravida a ultrices quis, vestibulum et arcu.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
  • Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
  • Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.
  • Nunc dignissim risus id metus.
  • Cras ornare tristique elit.

Mintatious "Minty" Polesco is Guppy's boyfriend of 6 years. The two of them are incredibly close to each other, as they've known each other since they were kids. Minty had saved his life, and Guppy's been forever grateful.

"Inko" Daughter

When they met, "Inko" was a sanitized octoling that Guppy encountered in the Labyrinth Station. The first one he encountered, actually. He noticed something different about her than all the other sanitized octolilngs. After clearing the station, he took the girl to Minty who agreed to adopt her.