✝️ RAVEN ✝️



4 months, 4 days ago



  •    Raven
  • IMG_20240306_103746_572.jpg
  • 🐦‍⬛ The Cannibal Bird 🐦‍⬛
  • Raven is a black and white, Maine coin, cannibalistic serial killer. Working as a part time forensic scientist, he uses his skills to help plan out and execute his murders. He works alongside a massive detective/police station, in which as the head forensic- he often manipulates and implants false evidence and removes evidence that can link the murders to him. He often targets those he believes as interior to him, other killers, abusers, thieves, it has a strong moral-although corrupted and based to his own views, he stays to. However,if an individual is close to finding out ravens true motives and intentions, he views them as getting in his way, and will murder them- regardless of them being a good or bad person.
Raven attempts to create the perfect image, showing that he has fhe perfect life, with all the money, love and cars and things. But in reality, he’s not as rich as he says, he created his own world of lies of showing that he’s superior to others. In reality, he’s very manipulative, a liar, lacks sympathy and is a brutal killer.


  • Name    Raven  Walker  
  • Nickname Their Nickname
  • Age    30
  • Gender    Male
  • Pronouns    He/Him
  • Sexuality    Homosexual
  • Ethnicity  Anthro - British American  Cat - Maine coin
  • Occupation    Serial killer/Forensic  
  • Residence Their Residence
  • Religion   Their Religion
 "Oh, how come I always make a mess of myself. I just bought these clothes."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Pellentesque ac convallis ligula. Integer tincidunt justo eget hendrerit molestie. Sed a metus ac quam rutrum pulvinar. Donec nunc nisi, ultrices ac euismod eget, posuere non augue. Nam et quam enim. Aenean rhoncus auctor diam eget eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur varius condimentum lacus, et lacinia ipsum. Nullam nec turpis suscipit, vehicula ex non, convallis metus. Aenean congue posuere massa, bibendum convallis arcu vulputate et. Donec suscipit neque id nulla blandit tincidunt. Nunc mattis, est ac placerat condimentum, nisl sem iaculis sem, et varius quam odio sit amet velit.

Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra. Ut mattis, mauris eget bibendum finibus, libero magna auctor tellus, ut blandit odio ante non urna. Ut at est accumsan, pharetra erat ac, consectetur turpis. Vestibulum sit amet turpis lectus. Integer semper aliquet est. Maecenas venenatis ultrices nisl eu porttitor. Maecenas aliquam sapien eu arcu molestie maximus. Donec quam metus, tempor nec eleifend non, accumsan id metus.


  • MBTI Their MBTI Type
  • Alignment Their Moral Alignment
  • Brain Dominance   Left vs Right
  • Emotion   Most Common Mood(s)
    Charming, soft spoken, intelligent
  • Outlook    That everyone has an agenda, trust no one.
  • Belief Fake it till you make it.
 "Aren’t you a charming fellow? It’ll be even more fun seeing the life leave your eyes"


He is very charismatic and charming cat. He’s incredibly good with his words and very skilled at identifying what people want to hear and what makes people interested or what they desire. Using his charming side, he often lures his victim to a sense of false security as he displays himself as a sweet and gentle gaunt, that simply wants to help them. Before he ends up killing and cannibalizing them. He often targets those he deem as beneath him, petty thieves, other killers, robbers criminals, etc. He often kills his victims first and then prepares them into a special and delicious meal, which he often feeds to unknowingly co-workers and friends for his sick amusement and joy. He finds thrill and excitement in such acts, which he desperate to do anything that that doesn’t bore him. Raven is very extroverted, social and has a friendly demeanor, which is a facade that he uses that hides his true self. His true self is a brutal, sadistic and violent killer. That shows mercy to those he believes who deserve it- such as children and victims.  He uses his good looks and charming tendencies to trick his victimz

At his work, in which, Raven works as a forensic scientist , he often as a deep understanding and knowledge of murder scenes as he- himself is one, he studied in this field to help perfect and perform his murders without much detection. In which he often plants and or tampers with any evidence that links him to any murders he has caused. However, in the workforce, Raven is very charming, and social with his colleagues. He’s seen as an excellent worker, and a good mentor those he teaches under him. He’s patient, caring, understanding and well mannered. Often never seen to lose his temper and rather a chill but loud and joyful character. However, all of is something he uses to trick people, by himself, he’s very disorganized and manipulative , often treating those who realize who he really is very coldly and aggressive.

Positive Traits

  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim

Negative Traits

  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Clumsy
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim
 "You pitiful creature, don’t waste your time crying. Beg for forgiveness from your god, I’ll bring you to him."


  • Hair Color  Black  
  • Eye Color  light blue with red highlights on pupil
  • Skin Color  Black
  • Height  6FT (180cm) (Anthro)
  • Skinny
  • Curvy
  • Frail
  • Groomed
 "My coworkers, we don’t need to turn against each other. I know it’s been a stressful time with these murders, but this isn’t the time to lose our mission."


Raven (Anthro) is a tall, muscular and fluffy Maine coon cat. Standing at 6ft or 180cm, he’s usually taller than most of his peers and fellow coworkers and his fluffy coat enlarges himself. He takes a lot of pride and care to groom himself, so, his black coat is glossy and shiny and smooth. Raven actually suffers from a skin condition,  Vitiligo, in which he has lighter colors of white among his black fur. The right side of his face, is white with a red marking under his eye and a on the left side he has a single white marking under his eye. His nose color is also split between pink and gray. His inner ear fluff is white. He has black paws and arms, with sharp black claws, however his body splits into white from his stomach, till his legs. In his white coat, his skin is has patches of pink showing through his coat. He has a black stripe coming from his back and covering his full tail, in which he also has mini white dots all over his tail. His tail is long and fluffy. He wears a black cross stretched to an earring on his ear, which is connected to his chin.

Raven often takes a lot of care to his appearance, carefully maintaining a Healthy and strong look, which he uses to his advantage when finding victims and he lures them in with his good looks. Raven is not a very wealthy cat, however, with the little money he has, he tries to buy good clothes and cars and things to show off and portray an image of wealthiness and  indirectly- without saying- superiority. However, it’s all fake, as in reality, he’s struggling to make ends meet. And often rents out such things to boast about. He attempts to create a perfect image of himself and showing he has the perfect life.

Link to Reference

Name: Adam Relationship Boyfriend

Time known each other:  5 years

Adam and Raven have been colleagues for a long time, working in the same agency. Adam, a defective is newly appointed and employed, he and his mentor, are attempting to solve a string of murders by the infamous, serial killer  and organ traffic (Yorune). While also investigating sudden murders of victims who’ve been cannibalized (by Raven). Both of them meet at work, as Raven is the head of forensic and a forensic scientist. They both collaborate often, and Adam falls for Raven and so does he. Raven finds Adam very amusing and interesting, he seems to be someone he sees as an equal level and loves. As he’s someone who amuses him, which he quite hard.

When they both originally met, Adam absolutely hated Raven and couldn’t stand him. He could tell he was a very much fake person. And this interested Raven a lot, he was the first to see through his facade and see the real him. All the ugliness inside him, and Adam wasn’t put off by it. Instead, he called it out and faced it head on. Raven intrigued by this, fell in love with him.

Name: Relationship

Time known each other: Time

Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis.

Name: Relationship

Time known each other: Time

Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed ultricies odio, ac pellentesque leo. Mauris lacus dolor, dignissim quis augue iaculis, sagittis consectetur turpis. In varius eget leo et tempor. Nulla malesuada diam ut ullamcorper blandit. Vestibulum leo eros, fringilla auctor pellentesque sit amet, tristique in quam. Fusce sodales dolor dolor, et laoreet nisi consectetur ut. Nulla volutpat ipsum eu fermentum pellentesque. Donec quis luctus dui. Ut nec orci varius, viverra sapien non, hendrerit lectus. Sed ac posuere nisi. Pellentesque fermentum tempus dolor, semper bibendum ligula lobortis nec. In at libero quis lectus eleifend imperdiet in eu justo. Vestibulum placerat tristique convallis. Vestibulum et facilisis tortor. Curabitur ut mauris vitae urna imperdiet aliquam.

Nam posuere, ex ac posuere aliquet, ex lorem convallis mi, a rutrum nunc ligula a odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris finibus fringilla erat, sit amet eleifend nisi vestibulum id. In venenatis lorem elit, quis mattis lectus consectetur non. Vivamus non purus id leo mollis semper. Nullam quis dapibus ex, rutrum laoreet tellus. Maecenas eget urna turpis. Ut nec lectus molestie leo vulputate dictum. Aenean placerat tincidunt dignissim. Cras sem enim, facilisis in sollicitudin eu, tempor efficitur tellus. Ut cursus felis eu nulla porttitor, ac suscipit lacus tempor.

In viverra diam metus, eu posuere odio sagittis vel. Quisque aliquam ultricies ligula at maximus. Nam accumsan at est et cursus. In tellus turpis, fringilla quis quam a, ornare volutpat metus. Cras imperdiet lectus sit amet tempus laoreet. Sed dignissim nisi ac ipsum gravida, nec bibendum lacus gravida. Maecenas eget condimentum enim, nec ultricies nunc. Donec sit amet accumsan lacus. Pellentesque egestas in ex tristique viverra. Cras fringilla pharetra imperdiet. Integer mollis massa et ante pretium sodales. Ut euismod finibus diam, at ultrices turpis condimentum id. Donec posuere elit eget ante accumsan finibus.

Present Day

Sed condimentum volutpat euismod. Sed luctus ultricies diam id ultrices. Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis. Vivamus et metus at lectus fermentum imperdiet ac vitae dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer non cursus turpis, sit amet interdum ante. Vivamus sit amet fringilla orci, in posuere ligula.

https://toyhou.se/hukiolukio" title="code by hukiolukio">