Averie Lacienne



3 months, 8 days ago


Not owned by me! This is merely an archive.

  • They/them (nonbinary)
  • French-coded
  • They live quite spur-of-the-moment, and can make the best out of any situation.
  • Averie is quick-thinking, and is a smart individual. They persist in most things, and can turn a bad situation into a good one in a minute.
  • Forager/General Gardener

They moved into the ruins that were once Aurid's home. About a week later when Krim found a shivering child sleeping amongst ash and debris, he dedicated a month to helping them build and furnish a proper cottage.

They are an enigmatic child who appeared one day from a far off land. They have a funny accent, and sometimes behave in strange, contradictory ways.  But despite this and their adamant refusal to elaborate on their past, Krim loves them and cares for them deeply. Equally as important to them is Aurid, who became an almost father figure in their life.