Yoshimitsu Kazehaya



Reupload because I need Kyle back for my Shattered Mirror lore.

Yoshimitsu no longer has anything to do with Loona because I'm changing the character to someone else!

Basic bio

  • Nickname : Yoshi, Teramitsu
  • Pronouns : He/him
  • Race : Kitsune
  • Age : ≈100
  • Height : 175cm.
  • Occupation : Secret Agent
  • Likes : Clowning , trolling , parties , Zuigetsu's signature dish , rainy days
  • Dislikes : Party poopers


Yoshimitsu Design

Although the drawing has 9 tails, due to some lore changes he now only has 1 tail.

Search up Gojo Satoru to look for Yoshi's hair reference because the design was inspired by him LMAO

He has baby blue eyes and a mole under his left eye

He does not necessarily need to wear the glasses but it should still be visible somewhere on his body!


About Yoshimitsu

Clown ass secret agent who use to cooperate with the Dragon's claw yakuza clan. Trolling skills 100

He's super annoying but he does get things done, just tolerant him for a bit. High annoyance but high reward, dawg