


2 months, 18 days ago


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Nomniya is energetic, bubbly, and optimistic. She always sees the glass as half full, and people brimming with potential. She very much believes that people should be able to be whoever they want to be, and love whoever they want to love, and be passionate about anything and everything they love doing! She sees nothing wrong with how she has to live her life- the changes made to her help her live a fulfilling life, and she hopes that one day, these modifications will be more affordable so that everyone can have the options that were made available to her.

She’s something of a jack of all trades, able to pick up on any new trade or skill with ease thanks to an unwavering passion; where many onixars excel in a single trade as something of a prodigy, Nomniya describes herself as feeling that same way about anything and everything she puts her mind to. Her dedication and work ethic often has to be reeled back by Dayo, lest Nomniya push herself too far.


Nomniya is short, petite, and childish in her build. She is white skinned though her entire body is speckled with patches, splotches, and dots of pale pink. (Vitiligo can be a rough reference for this although it is not the cause.) Freckles dot her skin regardless of color.

She has a long, prehensile tail with a cybernetic prosthetic addition; three flexible ‘fingers’ which are able to grasp objects. The material is soft yet firm, emulating natural skin well enough- though is still easily identified as an artificial addition. The surface approximately matches her skin tones- colored patches and all.

Nomniya’s wings, when summoned, are made of solidified light; they are similar to the wings of a butterfly though instead of the organic veins which make up the structure of insectoid wings, a rigid pattern of hexagonal-circuitry make up hers. The default colors are orange and purple, but Nomniya can change these colors at will.

Her ears are cat-dog like, covered in fur matching her hair.

Her eyes are obviously artificial at a glance; their color changes to best match what she’s wearing but the default color is gray. Silver tattoos, thin curling lines, start around the corners of her eyes.

Nomniya’s hair is cut fairly short in the back though with long bangs, and it gradually lengthens towards the front in a sort of messy inverted bob cut. Her hair has a natural gradient revolving around seafoam green, but reaching every other shade of green remotely close to that. Similarly to her skin, some places are colored silver instead, and she dyes streaks of purples and pinks into it.

There are several small yet immediately noticeable places for batteries at her neck-upper shoulders. Along the spine of her upper back is what would be the plant-like, wing-producing organ just under the skin- in its place is an artificial implant, just beneath the skin yet running much deeper than just that, with visible hexagonal circuitry-esque patterns seeming to wrap around the spine and branch out slightly, in place of the natural green threads that would otherwise be present. When her wings are active this 'circuitry' glows slightly, matching the colors of her wings.


Ixan Phasing
Nomniya can become temporarily intangible by converting her form into light. She can only stay in a phased state for as long as she can hold her breath, and while phased light-based attacks deal a lotta damage. Being shined on by a basic laser pointer hurts while phased, and if affected by something that refracts light like, say, water, then it can actually refract her very being and basically kill her.
So yes, water guns and laser pointers can deal real damage to her.
She cannot phase others or most objects (phase-capable clothing is a thing!) and while phased she can harmlessly pass through objects, walls, and people.

Ixan Flight
Nomniya can summon butterfly wings made of light to hold her aloft which also gives a good boost to speed. These wings are susceptible to damage via laser pointers and water as well. Sustained wing use requires significant energy consumption, and due to her wings being artificial, this energy cost can’t be negated by sugar consumption.

Genetic and Biological Modifications
Being a 4th generation hybrid all those genetic problems acquired from combining the genetics of several very different races have drastically impacted Nomniya- but many of these issues have been circumvented thanks to genetic engineering. She is heavier than her height and size would indicate she should be, her bones more dense to counteract other quirks of her biology. Her ears are entirely unique; canine-feline-esque, standing upright and covered in fur. Her tail was lengthened with artificial vertebrae to improve its prehensile nature. Those are only the major and the obvious- plenty more has been altered under the hood, per say.

What couldn’t be fixed with genetics was fixed with technology. Her wings made of light are entirely artificial, her eyes were replaced with artificial ones capable of perceiving additional wavelengths with augmented reality built in thanks to Dayo, and a three-pronged grasping prosthetic was added to the end of her tail for maximum tail-usage. Other bits and bobs interconnect everything together and give and receive data from Dayo.

Reliance on Modern Medicine and Technology
Nomniya is entirely reliant on medicine and technology to survive. Small batteries provide additional power for her cybernetics, located on the back of her neck/shoulders- if those run out, she goes blind and loses access to her wings. She has to take a wide array of medications to be healthy, and both herself and the cybernetics require frequent checkups.

Learned Skills
Nomniya excels in organization and management and picked up work as the head of an expedition group aiming to uncover new sources of rare resources on distant planets. She has a little bit of knowledge on all sorts of topics; ecology, geology, meteorology, basic programming- all useful to know when managing the experts on her team.

Weak of Body
For all her mental strengths and augmentations, Nomniya is still not very strong, has limited stamina, and has a few allergies. She has no combat ability and is reliant on others to do any heavy lifting or long distance scouting trips.


Stored in a sleek box about the size of a canteen are countless nanobots, mobile machines small enough to harmlessly fill the surrounding air and capable of entering the body of a person undetected by the immune system. While active the field which these robots create improve Nomniya’s immune system and always edge her surroundings towards what is most comfortable to her; diffusing light slightly to protect against the sun, lowering the air pressure at atypical altitudes, etc. This is never enough to entirely protect her from harsh conditions, but it may buy her enough time to get out of the hostile location.

Anyone within 10ft of her may also reap these benefits, but the more people who are affected, the less effective the nanofield becomes. This only functions if the individual's biology is close enough to Nomniya’s- otherwise, the nanofield will by default not mess with another entity to avoid any risk of causing them harm.

The nanobots can also be used as a defense measure, but this can only be activated by Dayo, not Nomniya. If in danger the nanobots can influence a target’s biology, starving them of oxygen long enough to render them unconscious, or emulating any number of poisons and symptoms.

With preparation and Dayo’s approval, the nanobot canister can be weaponized, given instructions to perform a certain task and tossed at a target or into an area.

Rechargeable batteries; related supplies for cybernetics upkeep 
Nomniya keeps extra batteries around and a means of charging them for obvious reasons, and has an array of additional supplies to help maintain her cybernetics, nanofield, and surveying equipment.

Sleek, high end touchscreen tablet kept safe in a durable, yet very colorful, case. Able to interface with the rest of her technology and contains an array of programs ranging from those used in specialty geology niches, to a music making software, to a basic spreadsheet program.

Surveying Equipment
Variety of speciality equipment for gathering environmental, geological, and biological data. Everything is packed into a sturdy briefcase, but it is quite heavy and difficult to move, even with it being on wheels. Nomniya would have a difficult time getting the entire kit anywhere particularly far.


Integrated into her cybernetics and essentially implanted into her mind is Dayo, an Ixan AI. He isn’t self aware- more so a complex program that emulates a personality. He keeps track of details regarding Nomniya’s cybernetics, health, and general wellbeing. He can also run calculations and remember things for her. He’s google and extra brainpower, all in one! He is integrated into all of Nomniya’s technology.

His personality is fairly subdued, a distant yet caring guardian, always willing to listen. He’s no replacement for connections with real people, but Nomniya still finds his company and aid fulfilling.


Nomniya Isaure Shiohu Yuksaa
VI Companion
Nomniya, NIya



4th gen hybrid;Ixan, inoian, onixar, ulgaran 
Seafoam green gradient; silver; dyed pink, purple

Wings (artificial)
Butterfly; default to orange and purple

Tail (modified)
Ulgaran; prehensile
furred; canine-feline-like

Petite, childish
White; patches of pink; freckled
Eyes (Artifical)
Default to gray
Eyes (Natural)
Used to be __

Seer Tattoos
Thin curls; silver






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  • Making music by mixing samples
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  • Secure a psionically active material
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Nomniya was born into the powerful Yuksaa Family; one of several siblings, all augmented as she is. Her family used their niche of biomedical studies to ensure that this generation too, will live long, fulfilling lives despite their hybrid nature. She was taught by the best tutors money could buy and had help at every turn. Uninterested in medicine or politics, once she came of age she decided to give back to her family by scouting distant worlds in hopes of uncovering a new source of psionically active material- if found, it could make creating the very technology keeping her alive just that much more accessible. It would be good for everyone… and, economically lucrative for her family, of course!





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.