Lillian Hall



2 months, 27 days ago


Lillian Hall

A woman of great repute, Lillian holds a certain standard for herself when in the public eye. As the partner to the top real estate company in New York, she is often being talked about from many different types of people. Her ability to keep people are arms length makes her a well sought after and respected member of the busniess community. There's not much the average person knows about her, but they did figure out that she was in a serious relationship with a famous author at one point in her life. After finding out such news, they found out she had a daughter as well.

Uprooting their lives to protect Sela from the vicious predators that are the media, she left her child with her father. To the half-demon turned full demon, leaving her beloved child with the man that helped conceive her was the right decision for them both. In fact, it was also the best decision she made for Tyrese as well.

You were my everything, but you threw it away for a fling

Lillian Hall
Lil, Hellcat, Commander
New York, New York
Singer/Demon Commander


Indulgent • Heartbroken • Spontaneous


Lillian is a 5ft 7in woman in her twenties. She has good posture and often looks taller than she actually is. In heels she can be as tall as 6ft. As a woman who grew up in the lap of luxury, her style is remeniscent of the life she has lived.

She has long blonde hair that runs to the middle of her back and is often compared to the color of the sun. As a professional woman, she wears makeup to keep herself looking nice.. Her eyes are a stunning garnet red.

  • Garnet Red Eyes
  • Thin build
  • Tattooed wolf bite on her left shoulder
  • Golden blonde hair

Growing up, Lillian never knew who she was. She struggled with wondering if her decisions were based on the demon she would become, or the human she thought she was. This uncertainty made her unpredictable, tempermental and misunderstood.

As an adult, she still has a lot of the traits she had as a child. The major difference between the lifetimes was now she knew who she was. She often acts out of whatever feeling she is having and has little to no remorse for her actions. However, being a mother, she knew how to be warm and nurturing.

  • Nurturing
  • Protective
  • Honest
  • Determined
  • Prideful
  • Hot-Headed
Main Theme
  • Coffee
  • Fashion
  • Wolves
  • Darkness
  • Fear
  • Isolation
Fun Facts
  • The sunlight reminds her of Ty
  • She writes music about her life & struggles
  • Deeply regrets most of her life choices
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Lillian grew up in upscale New York, to a savy business woman who owned many of her own companies. Her mother was a vicious and calous woman who held nothing back when it came to demeaning people. Often times the twins wondered if they were hated because of their father. Their mother seemed to know he was a demon and called them ungrateful every chance she got. Verbally and physically abused, this strengthened the twins bond to an unhealthy degree.


As she was growing up, Lillian was often responsible for keeping her brother out of trouble. She fell into the image of the perfect daughter and did as she was told. Lillian also didn't want to be too far from her brother since they protected each other. However, when she was alone, she formed a street gang called 'The Diamonds'. She ran this gang for a long time, their targets only being high class society.


In high school, she attended a school designed specifically for the supernatural species in the world. It was at this time she met the wolf shifter, Tyrese. They started off not really knowing each other, she was just a girl who got him into trouble. As they spent more and more time together, they learned that they truly loved each other. They had slept together many times throughout their time at school, but the night before they graduated seemed to differ.


As an adult, Lillian moved her and her daughter, Sela, to a coastal city to get away from the hustle and bustle of her life. Not having seen Tyrese for years, she had no idea he had moved there as well until a chance encounter. They slowly began to rekindle their relationship, but one night of bad judgement, Lillian slept with another man and shattered all hope the two had. She returned to New York and that is where she has remained.

Lysander [Twin Brother]

The older of the twins, Lysander is her brother and the only family she feels any love towards that's not her daughter. They have been there for one another through it all and she has been protecting him for the same amount of time. She is always there to pick up his messes despite hating it. She also knows that her brother seems to have a love for her that extends past their sibling bond, but she chooses not to acknowledge it.

Finn [Friend]

They never actually used to be friends, or even friendly towards each other. After she critically wounded his ex- wife, there was no possibility. When he lost his memories, however, she was the only one to take him in and accept him. Lillian watched over him until he regained his memories and a friendship was born.

Tyrese [Ex-Lover]

The only man she has ever been truly in love with. High school sweethearts, they ended up accidental parents at the end of their senior year. After years apart, they found each other again and he welcomed his daughter with both trepidation and love. Lillian, he welcomed with greed and excitement. However, she ruined any chance when she cheated on him. Lillian still loves him deeply and cannot see herself loving anyone else in his lifetime.

Sela [Daughter]

The light of her life. Sela was born while Lillian and Tyrese were still teenagers. Sela almost died in utero because of the lack of care Lillian took while pregnant. Sela loves her mother dearly, but has problems with the way her mom and dad's relationship is; despite being a little too young to understand. Currently, Sela lives with her father as he has missed out on the first 5 years of her life.

Sinclair [Confidant]

Lillian has much love for her family butler. He has been there for her when no one else was. He has been a source of knowledge that no one else around her could possibly know. Sinclair gave her medical training, helped her understand her time in the Demon Realm and it's clear that he will be there whenever he is needed. There is something that slightly terrifies her about him, but that's because she knows nothing about who he really is, just what he's portrayed to her.