Sir Gwynn / Guinevere King



3 months, 12 days ago



Guinevere, otherwise known as "Sir Gwynn" in formal contexts, is a prominent member of the GSA [Galactic Soldier Army] and has a role similar to that of her namesake in terms of her position in its unofficial "round table"– with some anomalous exceptions.

She's upbeat, passionate, and the most murderous femme fatale you'll ever come across!


Upon being abducted by Nightmare at a very young age, a purer version of Gwen was corrupted into something more beastly, even if not immediately obvious from her appearance. After a short while of serving him, however, she grew tired of his treatment of her and escaped to her home planet, where she was taken in by a foster family and attempted to live a normal life throughout her teenage years. There, she came into acquaintance with a ragtag group of misfits… "Misfits" who grew up to become something just a tiny bit different from that.

Maybe it was best to hide her true identity, just for now.

In adulthood, she joined a prestigious army organization in hopes of getting revenge on her "creator", where she found herself being smitten and later wed to a fellow soldier, a friend from her time as a schoolgirl. Having formed a family and become a successful soldier, she was relatively contempt with her life... Until, of course, Nightmare managed to track her down and blackmail her into joining him once more.

Which was completely unexpected of, course! She'd always been an angel during her time at the GSA! She'd never misbehaved in the slightest, or organized any conspiracies against anyone! Not at all!

The idea was simple– If Guinevere didn't discard her family quickly, Nightmare would do it for her. There were no possible peaceful means to negotiate the situation, and she would prefer for her loved ones to meet quick deaths rather than drawn-out, painful demises. Who knew? Maybe, just maybe, she'd find a way to sort it out with her husband before things became irreversible.

But then again, it was only appropriate for a monster such as herself to be slayed by the pinnacle of what a soldier should be.

...Guinevere's story differs slightly in a KRBAY! context, which is an "alternate-universe scenario". In this reality, the GSA is founded by her husband and the infamous Aeon Hero, after which she is roped into a war against her "creator" despite her past being well-known by her family.

Her fate can't be much better though, can it? Let's see how beastly our queen can really get.

Design Notes:

- Darker purple with yellow eyes, reminiscent of Meta Knight. 

- Helmet is silver as a contrast to Arthur's gold. 

- Cat mom? Cat mom.