
Abel "Caygan Kappelman" Bodt-Kirschtein



NameAbel "Caygan Kappelman" Bodt-Kirschtein
GenderTrans Male (He/him)
OrientationBisexual Demi Polyam
Voice ClaimBlessed - Daniel Caesa


Jean Kirschtein and Marco Bodt


Jasper (younger brother)

Other Family Members

Jean's side; Mrs. Kirschtein (grandmother). Marco's side; Mrs. Bodt (grandmother), unknown brothers and sisters (uncles and aunts). Sasha/Mina (adoptive aunts), Niccolo/Connie/Samuel (adoptive uncles).






Son or breath


Abe, "Drunken Bastard", Bell, Abie, El/Ellie




Slightly muscular but quite lean


July 1st


Drinking, protecting the Underground, reading, rock collecting, photography


Ex-Training Corps Soldier, Vigilante/Thug of the Weltschmerz Gang


+A good leader when he puts his mind to it +incredibly empathetic +a big softie +idealistic +observant -drinks whenever he's upset/depressed (which is often) -has horrible self-guilt/tends to beat himself up over the smallest mistakes -finds it hard to open himself up to others -can be self-destructive when he's at his worst -withdrawn when it comes to strangers


Abel was an amazing student and had dreams of joining the Military Police, just like his fathers hoped for as trainees. Abel was popular amongst the others around his age and many of the adults saw him as a impressive kid with high hopes for the future. While he was incredibly smart and friendly, he got stressed out easily and tended to break under pressure. When Abel was around 16, he suddenly vanished, leaving his parents distraught. A depressed Jean and Marco were then left to care for their remaining son, Jasper, who was negatively affected by his brother's disappearance. Although people thought the worst for Abel, it turns out that he was feeling the pressure of expectations for his future and he left to escape his coming reality, as maybe joining the Military Police really wasn't for him in the end. After changing his name and appearance to avoid being spotted, he ended up joining a group of misfits and loners and would travel around underground cities acting as vigilantes. Abel may have found a new home, but he could never forget the family that he abandoned.


As Jean and Marco's first son, they were understandably nothing short of adoring with him. They were incredibly proud of him and were his biggest fans, and while their encouragement was helpful, it started to stress him out as he got older. Abel started to crumble under the pressure of his parent's hopes for him to join the Military Police. They meant well, but out of fear for disappointing them, Abe didn't mention his feelings to his dads. After he failed to make the Top 10 in his Training Corps squad, his grades and emotions took a downwards spiral. Rather than face his parents and admit he's a failure, Abel took the easy way out and ran away. The day he vanished was the worst day of Jean and Marco's life. They searched day and night, with both parents left a broken mess. Despite the chance of him being dead out in the world, Abel's dads never gave up hope that their son was still alive out there--they feel responsible for his disappearance and punish themselves for not seeing the signs sooner.

When Abel was about 8, his younger brother Jasper was born. He adored Jas so much and wanted to be the best big brother he could be. Despite all of the pain he was dealing with behind closed doors, he didn't want to put any of that on Jasper. However, 9 years later, out of fear of rejection and failure, he left the house one night and never came back. Abel agonizes over his decision, and frankly immediately regretted leaving his family without so much as a goodbye note, but was too afraid to return home after that, so he steeled himself and went forward. Not a day goes by where he doesn't dream of the family he left behind, especially his younger brother. He knows Jas is an adult by this point. He wonders what he looks like, if he's found love, if he has kids, what his dreams and aspirations are....but he never expects to ever know for himself.

Kane was one of his best friends before he left for the Underground. They were incredibly close and were each other's first love, with Kane swearing he was going to marry him one day. A week or so before he left home, Abel came forward and admitted that he wasn't happy with how life was going. All of the stress, the pressure to be perfect, and his failure to make it into the Military Police was too much for him. He was going to leave the city and start anew, and he wanted Kane and Mitch to go with him. Young Kane was in love with Abel, but even he knew where to draw the line. He refused to go with him, and the two had an ugly fight that resulted in the end of their relationship and friendship as a whole. There's a part of Abel that still loves Kane, and a part of him wants to return so he can reconcile with him and have the happy ending they'd always dream of having. However, he won't be prepared for the day when he actually does see Kane again, whose anger at the situation has had time to fester after all these years.
Alongside Kane, Mitch was also one of Abel's best friends and his other boyfriend. He was so incredibly in love with both of them and he regrets leaving them in the way he did. While he hopes to return to them one day so they can get back together, he knows it's unlikely that they'll want anything to do with him after so long.

When Abel was wandering the streets, he was picked up by Weltschmerz leader Miles, a snarky and charismatic woman who helped lead a vigilante gang with her lady-friend Haile. She had noticed a suspicious man following him, so, acting like his relative, she led him away to their hideout where he eventually became a part of their group, rising through the ranks to become one of Miles' most trusted members. When Abel told Miles the truth about his past, and that he really wasn't "Caygan Kappelman", she understood; saying that she too ran away from home due to difficulties with her father.

Haile, the other leader of Weltschmerz, is a hard but very loving woman, and acts as the team mom to everyone--making sure they're all feeling well and have eaten whatever they've managed to get. Her and Miles were the closest thing to caregivers ever since he ran away from home, and he affectionately calls them 'ma' despite only being a few years younger than Haile. They adore him.

Osvald is one of the gang's most annoying pests; always striking where they're weak and taunting them in plain sight. Never really causing any drastic trouble, mostly just an annoyance. Miles admits that Ossy usually didn't bother them that much until Abel joined the group, so it's suspected the lad has a bit of a crush on him. Hm.


● He always has a flask on him, just he case he needs it.

● Sometimes Abe gets intense nightmares about his parents searching for him. Their looks of fear and concern, their strained voices screaming his name, and the sobs coming from Marco traumatized him. He often woke up in a cold sweat afterwards. Abel was lucky enough to not see the true chaos he caused after he ran away, but imagining it is bad enough.

● He shares his name with Abel "Goggles", a member of Squad Hanji, and Abel Reiss, one of Queen Historia's half-sisters.

● I heavily referenced this man who I still have no name for for Abel's design.dck0woz-0b6ff8fc-b1ce-4b41-b61a-14db1a1b I've looked everywhere, even on the wiki multiple times, but I cannot find this man ANYWHERE. At this point I'm convinced he's just an edited character or an extremely minor character who doesn't have any information about them on the wiki, but it doesn't matter because he's mine now. My city now.

● While I based his appearance off of said nameless man, he also heavily resembles Marley Arc Jean.

● He suffers from depression, and is an alcoholic. 

● He transitioned in his early tweens.

profile html by Hukiolukio