
Kane Leonhart-Ackerman



NameKane Leonhart-Ackerman
GenderCis Male (He/him)
OrientationGay Polyam
Voice ClaimB. D. Wong


Eren Jaeger, Co-Commander Armin Arlert, Annie Leonhart, Lady Mikasa Ackerman; child of Mikasa and Annie


Merwin (younger half-brother), Alrick (younger half-brother), Kalani (younger half-sister), Coraline (younger half-sister), Leeroy (younger sibling), Fergus (younger half-brother), Amaya (younger half-sister)

Other Family Members

Eren (stepfather), Co-Commander Armin (stepfather). Eren's side; Mr. Jaeger (great-grandfather), Mrs. Jaeger (great-grandmother), Grisha (grandfather), Faye (aunt), Carla (grandmother), Dina (grandmother), Vincent (uncle), Camilla (aunt), Lennox (uncle), King Consort Ezekiel “Zeke” (uncle), King Willahelm "Willy" (uncle), King Consort Eliya (aunt), Lady Lara (aunt), Princess Fine (cousin), Prince Alois A. (Atlas) (cousin), Princess Idunn (cousin), Princex Bruno F. (Freyr) (cousin), Prince Enrico “Rico” C. (Cato) (cousin), Prince Dante (cousin), Prince Edmund "Eddie" (cousin). Mikasa's side; Keaton (grandfather), Rie (grandmother), Kaiser (uncle), Levi (uncle), Commander Hanji (aunt), Petra (aunt), Nancy (cousin), Grant (cousin), Stefan (cousin), Magnild (cousin), Katrina (cousin), Oluo/Floch/Schuyler/Travis (distant relatives), Tom/Hannes/Bruce (adoptive relatives), Kuchel (grandaunt), Kenny (granduncle), Traute (relative), Wayne (distant relative), Carly (relative), Bernadette (cousin), Gilbert (cousin), Catherine (cousin), Jacques (cousin), Uri (relative), Lady Kiyomi (distant relative). Annie's side; Mr. Leonhart (step-grandfather), Reiner/Bertholdt (adoptive uncles). Armin's side; Mr. and Mrs. Arlert (grandparents), Mr. Arlert (great-grandfather)




Celtic, Gaelic, Irish, Japanese


Gaelic - "Battle, warrior" Japanese - "Putting together, money"


Sugar Cane, "The Silent Titan", "Sugar/Shug" (by Mitchell), Kay, "Lord Kane"


Human/wolf and Titan shifter hybrid


Stocky and muscular


March 27th


Star-gazing, martial arts, training, being with his parents, calm days


Survey Corps Soldier, Training Corps Instructor, Knight of the Paradisian Royal Family, Member of the Council of Shifters


+A good teacher +usually fearless +can tell when someone isn't telling the truth -distant -shy -sometimes selfish


A mix of two very strong and powerful mothers, Kane is one of the strongest offspring of the entire 104th team. His life has been full of perfecting his battle skills, and he knows his stuff quite well. Due to his prowess, Kane became one of the instructors for the up and coming trainees and remains a popular teacher despite his harshness at times. Kane puts a lot of pride into his students, and when a soldier isn't doing too well he takes it as a personal failure. Outside of his work he has always been very quiet like his Momma 'Kasa, only really talking to his family and not so much anyone else, which he carried into his adulthood. Even though he is known to not talk very much, he can give a good pep talk if need be. He has Titan genes inherited from Annie, but he has little worry about it as he rarely desires to transform. Seeing as he is one of the tallest shifters in the Next Gen cast with the gift of Ackerman blood on his side, it's possible that Kane is just waiting for a conflict to happen for him to use his power.


Kane loves all of his parents equally, but he does have an especially soft spot for his Momma 'Kasa. She has always been his safe place, even nowadays, and she knows exactly what to say when he's feeling troubled. Mikasa loves Kane very much, and all he's done has made her incredibly proud. His made-father, Annie, is where he first got his inspiration for wanting to fight and be strong. He'd often watch her practice with Mikasa, and upon seeing her swiftness and skill wanted to learn how to fight just like her. Annie taught him much of what he knows (passing down techniques her own father taught her), and because of her has become a great fighter. Kane is very respectful to Armin and Eren despite them not being his biological fathers. Kane often acts as an editor for Armin's papers on the ocean and even though he towers over Armin, he never feels intimidated by him. 

Kane has a good relationship with his Uncle Kaiser. It was actually Kaiser's idea that he tie up his hair so it'd be easier for him to see, and he's kept it that way ever since.

Kane is the eldest brother to seven younger siblings, all of whom he love very much. Merwin was born six years after him, and the two of them bonded over their quietness and interest in learning (Kane wanted to learn fighting skills, while Merwin took a page out of Armin's book and wanted to learn about the ocean). Alrick was born a year after Merwin, then double pair of twins Kalani and Coraline and Fergus and Leeroy after that. The house started to grow a bit louder; not only because of the growing family, but because of Fergus. While known for his engineering skills at a young age, Fergus was by far the most troublesome kid their family had seen yet. Kane often had to watch out for him and make sure he wouldn't accidentally blow up the house transforming or set himself on fire. Leeroy was the more tame twin, and Kane found it easier to understand and relate to them. Amaya was the final addition to their large family, and while quiet like himself and most of their family, she preferred to be by herself rather than be in the company of her siblings. While Kane understood her desire to be alone, he wanted to bond more with her.

Kane enjoys hanging out with his Uncle Levi, Aunt Commander Hanji and Aunt Petra. Kane sometimes stops by at Levi's teahouse and will take a shift or two if they need help, and Levi has helped Kane train at various points in his life. He sees Levi moreso than Hanji or Petra, but when he does see them he has a good time. He finds it fascinating how there are 2 Commanders in his family tree.

Nancy, Grant, Stefan, Magnild and Katrina are his cousins (as are Schuyler and Travis). He has a decent relationship with all of them, but is probably the closest with Grant. As children of Levi, they are also knights for Queen Historia and her family, and more often than not he is stationed at the same time as Grant. They both share a similar temperament and have a very relaxed but genuine relationship, to the point they see each other as good friends rather than cousins. Compared to Grant's siblings, Kane often feels like his brotherly duties extend to them so he's often trying to keep them on a straight path, especially Stefan.

One of his other purposes in life is to serve Queen Historia and her family. He takes this position quite seriously and does whatever is needed of him. Kane has a good relationship with both Queen Historia and Queen Consort Ymir, and is by far one of their strongest knights.

Kane is quite indifferent when it comes to the royal children. He knows it's his duty to protect and serve them, and he knows that as one of their most trusted knights he has to do his job well. Demetrius thinks he takes his job too seriously and Cleo could honestly care less, but Everett seems to have latched onto him. He's closest with Ixion because of their similar personalities and because they can relate to the feeling of having to corral their rambunctious siblings, and Rory because she's the most levelheaded of them other than Ixion. Kane never had a close relationship with Janus, but was quite shocked when they ran away from home. Kane is blissfully unaware that Demetrius is attracted to him.

Abel was Kane's first boyfriend alongside Mitchell, and his best friend. They became fairly close in early adolescence and started dating at 13/14 respectively. While Kane naturally has the same disposition as his mother Mikasa, Abel brought out an affectionate side of him that was even surprising to his family. The two worked together well; where the other struggled the other made up for, and both had each other's back. They were in love as much as teenagers can be in love, and Kane truly thought one day that he, Abe and Mitch would get married. When they were 16 and 17, Abe started going downhill; his grades started slipping and his emotions went all over the place, becoming easily irritable and stressed out. One night, while they were hanging out, Abe breaks down and finally admits everything to Kane--how unhappy he was, how he felt like he disappointed his parents, everything. Kane tries to comfort him, but then Abe says that he's planning on running away. Shocked that this was his idea of dealing with his emotions, Kane tried to insist that his parents wouldn't be upset, that they loved him and would do anything for him, but Abel wasn't having any of it. After having the idea to suggest that Kane go with him, leave his family just because Abel can't look his parents in the eye, Kane puts his foot down and says no. This sparks a fight between the two of them, and it all comes to a head when Abe accuses Kane of trying to keep up his perfect son image for his mothers. Something about that made Kane snap, and he punches Abel square in the nose--breaking it instantly. This dissolves the argument, and Kane immediately regretted his actions, but instead of apologizing he again insists that he talk to his parents. As he begins to walk away, Abel asks if this means that they're done, and Kane says that that's up to him. After that night, Abel avoided Kane like the plague, even though Kane apologized to his parents for impulsively punching their son. Kane actually came back a few days later to apologize to Abel himself, but that unfortunately was the night Abel went through with his plan and left, alone. Kane feels guilty for Abel leaving, wondering what else he could have done to make him change his mind, but more than anything he's angry. Angry at Abel for being so selfish, for leaving a perfectly good thing he had all because he was too cowardly to face his parents, and angry at himself for acting so rashly and shattering his relationship with Abe. A tiny part of him wonders what would've happened if he and Mitch went with Abel instead...could they have been happy together on the road, even if that meant leaving everyone he loved behind? 

Mitchell is Kane's boyfriend and current fiancé. They first met via their mothers, Hitch and Annie respectively, who were still close friends even though they had previously dated. They weren't that close at first, but they were casual friends who hung out every so often. Kane ended up crushing on both Abel and Mitch, who surprisingly returned his affections, so the three started dating. It was a very happy period of Kane's life, which turned bittersweet after his fight with Abel and Abel running away from home. The experience shook Kane and Mitch, and because Kane retreated back into his shell and became unresponsive to Mitch's attempts at getting him to talk about his feelings, the pair broke up for a few months but remained shaky friends. Eventually when Kane was hanging out with Mitch one day he finally broke down in his arms, and Mitch let him. Kane apologized over and over for taking his anger out on him, and Mitch admitted how upset he was at Abel too. But he admitted that he was much more sad than angry, and that he missed Abel more than anything and hoped he was safe. The two vented for a bit and with everything out in the open, Mitch and Kane decided to get back together and have been ever since. They're currently engaged and live in a comfortable home off in Stohess District, and they subconsciously leave enough room for Abel in their bed should he ever return.


● Regardless of his parent's attempts at socializing him, he prefers to stick to himself, thus resulting in his closest friends being his siblings, cousins and Mitch. The others do think highly of him, though, and will attempt to befriend him anytime they get.

● Kane has Thalassophobia--the fear of the ocean. It's strange to think that since his stepfather is an oceanographer and he's been exposed to the water practically his entire life. His fear began when he almost drowned as a child when he wandered off and got caught in a large wave, and despite him being smart enough to avoid dangerous currents and waves nowadays, his deep-rooted fear of the sea is still prevalent. He avoids trips to the ocean with his family, or when he does come along he stays far away from the foreshore.

● He is the first child of Mikasa to have experienced an 'awakening'. 

● Along with his siblings, he has a scarf knitted for him by Carla, who knitted Eren's scarf before he gave it to Mikasa. It's a source of comfort for him.

● His Titan form looks almost exactly like Annie's Female Titan. His "Swift Titan" is about 40 m, or 131.23 ft tall. Despite Annie only being 14 m/46 ft tall in Titan form, it might be Mikasa's Ackerman genes that gave him the extra height kick.

● He has the Azumabito family crest tattooed on his right wrist.

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