Morrighan Gyve



2 months, 11 days ago


6'6" / Age Unknown

A born-and-bred assassin raised by a pack of equally-murderous werewolves. Despite her occasional sadism and terrifying efficiency for her work, she's a big sisterly type among the vigilantes and worries about their well-being, being the only one among them with any kind of medical experience and therefore being their resident doctor. She especially worries about Johnny due to his penchant for reckless behaviour that leads to more common and serious injuries than any of the others. However, she also finds his ruffianesque behaviour charming and enjoys teasing him.

Married to Galtin Antares, whom she loves with all her heart. He was the first person to look past her appearance and see her for who she really was, and she's forever grateful to have found him. This does not stop her, however, from bullying him relentlessly in her usual affectionate manner. Has on multiple occasions referred to him by the likes of "my idiotic babygirl," and things to that effect...

Being a werewolf, her main skills are her ability to shift at will alongside her superhuman strength and speed. She uses her looks as their own kind of weapon, as well, using her flashy attractiveness to get close to and seduce targets for information or to kill them.