

2 months, 27 days ago


Jacqueline (Hyde) -  28 (Hyde's a little older) - Afro Cuban 

"Birds of the Feather Stick Together"   

Inseparable childhood friends originally from the glamour zone visiting cyberzone to achieve a greater dream. Only for Hyde to be turned into a cyborg programmed to perform.. Jacquline wished to save her dear friend and return back home... only to be betrayed... Was Hyde programmed to betray her or was there hidden resentment all along?.. No matter what the answer is, Jacqueline will never get a direct answer as they can no longer exist separately from one. At the end of the confrontation, their mind of Hyde was fused with the body of Jacqueline's, alongside robotics that tore away at Jacqueline's flesh and bones to allow Hyde to look almost like herself, the real body of Hyde was taken away by those who transformed her. They can't both exist at the same time and Hyde refuses to write her an answer. 

Even before being transformed she's always had a non expressive calculated face, but affectionate, playful, and motivated at heart. Hyde is mute and only speaks in sign language but that didn't stop her dream of being a star, she's good at all sorts of instruments and was called a one-woman orchestra band. 

Jacqueline is a show woman who originally never had the heart to wield a REAL blade, but Cyberzone left her with no choice. Pompous and very theatre-like she goes on to any poetic rambles and is rather easy to escape from, but she has great reflexes and will never be caught off guard with an attack while monolouging. 

Jacqueline searched for Warren as a clue to which executive currently has Hyde's real body, only to discover he cut ties with the executives and has no idea who Hyde is.  Warren didn't really ask her to join but Jacqueline wanted the help. 

Hyde despite her betrayal and new body is a mystery, If Jacqueline is in too much danger Hyde comes out and protects her... who knows what's going on with that mind of hers.