


2 months, 22 days ago



Prankster. Quick-witted. Secretly Insecure. Tenacious.

★ Name Callisto
★ Gender Female (she/her)
★ Race Digimon -- Lordknightmon
★ Height 5'4"
★ Status Taken
★ Alignment Neutral Good
★ Occupation Sword master
★ Main Theme TBD

Hey there lovely!

【 Strength 】
【 Dexterity 】
【 Stamina 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Wisdom 】
【 Charisma 】
【 Stealth 】
【 Luck 】
【 Persuasion 】
【 Intimidation 】
【 Performance 】
【 Survival 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Empathy 】
【 Patience 】
【 Creativity 】
【 Aggression 】
【 Humor 】
【 Courage 】
【 Friendliness 】
【 Passion 】
【 Sincerity 】
【 Loyalty 】
【 Hope 】
【 Spirituality 】
【 Kindness 】


  • Adventuring
  • Looking at old ruins
  • Forestry
  • Joking around
  • Sparring


  • Pompous people
  • Pressure
  • Those who stand by and do nothing
  • Deforestation/ destruction of sacred land
  • The color gray

The jokester of the Castle. Generally optimistic, if a little sarcastic and boisterous at times. It's hard to feel sad around her, and she's quick to notice if she's crossed a line, and make up for it, if so. Very skilled at swordplay, Callisto's primary weapon is a great sword.



The only thing that she has from her now estranged family.


Item description


  • sword probably
  • Item
  • Item
  • Item
  • Item
  • Item

Insert Design Notes here! (Things to keep in mind, even art permissions!)

Hair is stylized in to a sort of fauxhawk and ends in a swirl. Very curly hair, with a few errant strands here and there. Eyes are dual-colored pink and purple.


Design Note

Feel free to use this item code for any visual reference to specific design elements!


  • Birthday: TBD
  • Was an Angewomon before Digivolution
  • Trivia
  • Trivia

Maybe even a paragraph of Trivia!


Callisto's whole family were high-society socialites, and she always felt more like being rambunctious and battling. Even when she wasn't "acting out" by her family's terms, she felt out of place. Nothing she could do seemed "right" by their or the rest of her town's standards. Always sticking out, even when she didn't even know what it was she was doing that was so different from everyone else. Eventually, she left on an adventure, told her folks she was off, and they didn't put up much protest. Just warning her about "how hard it is out there". But nothing was more freeing for Callisto.

She'd help as much as she could, wherever she went, and certainly being out on her own was hard, but she felt the most like herself now. One day, while staying with a small colony of weaker Digimon, a group of mercenaries hired by a business tycoon looking to set up shop right where they lived set upon them. "Leave or die", was their warning, and gave the colony a week to get out or be razed. Callisto wouldn't stand for this, and stood as the sole defender of this village. That was, until, the Leader of the Royal Knights - Kai - and a few of the others, happened upon the village soon after. A battle broke out, as it had before, but this time, the mercenaries were swiftly defeated. That, along with the authority of the Knights, sent them packing. Callisto felt bad that she hadn't been able to be the hero she wanted to be to the village, and had needed the help of the Royal Knights to push back the Tycoon's goons.

Kai, the leader, didn't see it that way, though. Admiring her passion and heart, he invited her to be a Royal Knight. And this was before he realized that Callisto carried with her the Sacred Artifact of LordKnightmon. She was hesitant, wondering if she was really worthy of such a position, but accepted in the end.

To this day, she still harbors a little insecurity, due in no small part to a visit she took to her old town to tell her family the good news about joining the Knights, only for them to respond to her with mockery. They didn't think she could ever be Knight, and thought she was just making it all up to make herself look good. That was when Callisto turned away from her biological family for good, and integrated fully with her found family in the Royal Knights.