


6 months, 25 days ago




name dys.
Age mid-twenties.
Gender nonbinary.
Pronouns they/he.
species human...?
height. 5'11".


> Good question.

For all intents and purposes, Dys is a completely average denizen of the same city he was born in. Most knew him as quiet and unassuming, a little odd at worst with his niche collection of bizarre but generally harmless interests and hobbies. He seemed to have little care for what others thought of him, though, even if he took at least a little joy in scaring unsavory company away with his arsenal of... unusual tactics.

Inexplicably, they would meet their end everywhere at once, when a temporal distortion drags him into the space between his home universe and the infinite clusters just beyond the fragile barriers keeping them apart. In a half-second and an eon, he was found by the unknown, nameless entity "time-eater". Only as a meal. He remembers little of the encounter, and for the better.

Before he could be devoured, something snapped back into place, and he was returned to the very instance that he'd disappeared from. Not unchanged, however. All that the entity had consumed was lost to time and to memory, replaced with its essence and appetite. No one could remember his face looking any other way, or a time where his body wasn't scored with deep nothingness. Not even Dys was immune to these rules. Though he knows it must not have always been so, there's no evidence that it had ever been different. So maybe it's best not to worry about it.

Geez, Dys, you could stand to worry a little. As he is now, Dys is a dead man walking. The chaotic force lurking in the outer darkness claimed more than just his face. No mouth. No lungs. No heart. His hair grayed and whited out in patches, skin turned ashen in permanent pallor. Having been lost to time even that long, though, he's now in something of a stasis. Though the blood in his veins has stagnated, he won't decay. Maybe "dying" has him a little too relaxed about the whole situation, unable to remember what it felt like for his heart to beat. But he's hardly lost his sense of self. Those who knew him before tend to stare like they've forgotten something, and he's learned it's better not to subject doctors to the insanity that is his continued existence, but no one has tried putting him in the ground over it. Yet.

There's a catch, though. Time-eater was hungry. Dys carries a piece of them, no longer with a planet-sized appetite, but not one that tolerates being ignored. The deep void in place of his missing parts will begin to creep out and devour anything in sight if he doesn't keep it fed. And it will eat anything. Best to let it have its pick at food he can't taste or things he can replace before its appetite demands something bigger than him. Or worse, something living. Once it's gone, it's forgotten forever. Keeping track of what's on the menu is the hard part. But hey, it's a small price to pay for cheating death, right? Besides all... that, his life has remained remarkably normal. He'd like to keep it that way.


  • Cats. Dogs. Ferrets?
  • Sweets (well, formerly).
  • Speedrunning.
  • Horror.
  • Retro games.


  • Hot temperatures.
  • Chewing noises.
  • People talking over him.
  • Sore losers.
  • Gawking. Yes, he knows...


  • The metal bits in his hair aren't actually holding his head together, they're accessories. He just leaned into the aesthetic. Interesting way of coping with your not-death...

  • Though they won't decay like this, they can't get any stronger, either. No amount of lifting will give him muscles. Sad.

  • By default, he has no mouth, and cannot speak. He communicates mostly through gestures, noises and text-to-speech. They like to get creative. If he does have a "mouth"... you should probably back up.

  • Works at a tiny convenience store stocking shelves and cursing his employer's name whenever he gets put on register. Are you insane. (Just kidding, they're friends... Dys gets his revenge when the store is empty.)

  • He streams games as a "V-tuber" for a side-gig, after being told he looked like one enough times. People really dig his... "design". He goes by "Nullspace" or just "Null" in online spaces. His mystique has gotten him quite a few fans.

  • There's not much that can disrupt his calm, but he's utterly embarrassing around folks he finds cute. Don't talk to him about his lovelife. It's about as nonexistent as his vital organs.

  • Often possessed with the inexplicable urge to consume random objects, regardless of their edibility. He "feeds" by shoving it into the nearest dark patch. If he neglects the hunger long enough, the need will grow more dire, until it takes matters into its own hands. Let's hope no one ever has to see what he looks like when it's starving.