Freddy Nekota



5 years, 10 months ago


Freddy Nekota

Male . Alluring . Aggressive

Freddy Nekota (fred-ee, Neck-O-Tah)
Freddy, FCN
Credit to Creator:
DreagonArchives 2012
Skinny but Healthy
Too Cool, Extrovert
Theme: Running


  • Running
  • Girls
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Hiding a secret


  • Bossy Women
  • Being told what to do
  • Waiting
  • Eggs


  • Brother: Roy
  • Alternate Self- Cinnimon
  • Alternate Self- FCN
  • Alternate Self- Impact


  • Track Star
  • Power of persuasion
  • Sly
  • Snarkey


Freddy does what he wants. He like girls and running track. He is almost always the cause of some kind of trouble.

He likes to think that he's too cool to be in trouble. He is almost never serious except when it's something very important to him, like track.

He tends to avoid adults and lay claim to certain areas.

If he's your friend, he's got your back. Otherwise, watch behind you.

The Original Story:

Cinni is a fairy in a world where aliens are a common thing to appear. He is the happiest thing alive. Being a fairy gives him power over the aliens. But nothing can kill a fairy except another fairy.

Once Cinni hit puberty his emotions changed. They starting running wild. He was still the happiest thing alive, but now he would black out from time to time and become a different personality. He never knew his other side was causing trouble.

This more alluring, and aggressive side was called FCN, (or Fairy Cinni Nova) by many of Cinni's closest friends who knew something was up. After a few months the two halves of Cinni figured out a way to communicate with each other. They would leave messages for the other.

Long after Cinni had found a way to split FCN away from himself, (using some magical fairy shenanigans) a new darkness had entered. This new personality would still make Cinni blackout, and allow himself to run free. The new persona named himself, Impact. He was the complete opposite of Cinni, and even older and taller too, which caused some physical problems for poor Cinni, FCN, however, found a new life for himself. He went off to gain an identity. He changed his name to Freddy and stole Cinni's girlfriend. He started going to school and took up track. He became a track star in no time. All his grades in P.E. were straight A's and so was Science and Math. He excelled in every sport available at the school.

Cinni had stopped aging because of Impact. He grew sick the longer Freddy was away. Freddy was just his teenage emotions and personality but once Impact stepped in to take Freddy's place, his fairy darkness also followed him. He was a parasite on Cinni's life!

Impact is all the bad and negative things in Cinni's personality, Cinni is all the good and happy, while FCN was the happy medium. The one who kept Cinni alive and well. The two needed to find some way to give FCN back to Cinni so he could age again, as well as get better.

After quite a few different attempts the boys figured out it was Impact that needed to go away. So they teamed up, and since Freddy was Cinni's humanity, his human essence. He couldn't kill Impact because Impact was a full blown fairy. It took both of them to defeat Impact.

Once Impact was gone, Cinni started to get better.

He would later grow up and get an attitude, and change his name to Quentin. He started a new life just like Freddy did. He even gained an adopted sister so absolutely loved to him hug until he cried uncle. Although he hides his fairy powers now, every so often his sister annoys him just enough for him to use some magic to get away from her. Teleportation is a thing.

Freddy however, wandered and found a new home for himself. The Nekota's took him in, having no idea of his past. He gained a popular musician for a brother. And now Freddy is the main character.


  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Human
  • Age: 17
  • Hair: Short orange-auburn, gelled up.
  • Eyes: Hypnotic green
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Build: Skinny but healthy
  • Complexion: White
  • Clothing:
    • He wears a signature outfit, a plain white tunic, with short sleeves.
    • Black jogging pants.
    • And knee high converse. White and orange.
    • He also wears a super long orange scarf, mostly for his image.
  • Possessions:
    • He has a fire proof box tucked under his bed full of his oldest and favorite memories.
  • Other:
    • He and Drago are track and field rivals.
    • He is highly competitive and hasn't lost yet.
    • He's great at swimming too.
    • He'll talk your ear off.
    • He's an extrovert full of energy.
    • He hits on Chocolate and her sister Ira, because they all grew up together.

Personality (ESFP-A):

  • Slick
  • Competitive/Aggressive
  • Alluring
  • Power of persuasion
  • Hates Drago (For hitting on Ira)

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