Molly Pieres - The Shepherd



2 months, 5 days ago



Molly Pieres

26 - Female - The Shepherd

"I wonder what your dreams hold..." 


Molly is the youngest of her siblings and has a soft disposition compared to her twin. She’s quiet and mindful of others, though she usually leads with her heart rather than her mind. More often than not Molly can be found tending to the family's sheep and considers them some of her favorite companions.

Her coven circle is much more relaxed than others, focused less on heavy study or ambition but rather on connecting with nature and spreading peace. This leads most of the circle members including Molly to choose a life of pacifism.


Molly stands at 5'3 and has two porcelain prosthetic legs that go from her mid thigh to her feet. Her eyes are a warm pinkish red and she always has heavy bags under her eyes. She usually wears very loose/flowy clothing in soft pastels or natural colors.


  • Sheep
  • Reading
  • Baking
  • Mid-day naps
  • Cats


  • Despite having several major dislikes, Molly refuses to make them public to avoid being a bother to others unless it's outright violence.


  • Reading
  • Painting

Coven Circle - Dream Conjuring

Molly is mainly a conjuror able to create creatures and monsters from her imagination as well as existing creatures after forming a “bond” with them. It’s not really known what she’s conjuring them from and she’ll only ever describe it as “The stuff of stars” like her twin she also learned a lot from Judas but she focused more on walking the astral plane. She’s able to use the astral plane to walk through the dreams of others and conjure things from other peoples minds.

Dream Conjurors are often gentle people with deep connections to nature and the astral plane, they’ve learned to walk the line between the waking and dreaming worlds. Higher witches are typically able to not only enter the dreams of others but conjure from other minds and even alter dreams.

Atreus Kamber

Atreus runs a bookstore in a nearby town, left to him by his mother, when molly was old enough to join Davi on his market trips she got to explore the town and became a regular patron of the shop. The two began talking and sharing their love of literature which eventually developed into mutual pining. Unfortunately, as the two grow close she learns he comes from a long line of witch hunters, before he finds out she's a witch she has Melanie alter his memories of her so that he doesn't remember her. She still loves him and wishes he could fall for her again but she’s scared of what would happen if he knew.

Morena Pieres

Morena is the deceased matriarch of the Pieres Family and is responsible for the current mutilations of her children. In her prime she was a higher witch, practicing magic from several circles but it was never enough, she wanted the power to bend the world to her will so she began stealing power from other witches. This hunger for power extended to her children and once they reached age 12, the age magical abilities began to manifest fully in witches, their mother had pieces of them removed in an attempt to use them as spell ingredients to make herself more powerful/ immortal. The only reason she kept having kids was to hopefully find one that would work. She was never able to satiate her hunger for power before being slain by a witch hunter at age 48.

At age 12 Molly had both legs amputated from the mid thigh downand they were later replaced with porcelain prosthetics. While she hasn't forgiven her mother for her actions she's made peace with her situation and tries to make the best of it.

Arthur Pieres

Arthur Pieres is the deceased patriarch of the Pieres family and was a very passive figure when it came to his wife for fear of her retaliation which unfortunately led to him never stopping her from any of the cruel actions taken against their children. In his final years, he became a shell of his former self now helpless to Morena’s will, leading to his untimely demise by his own hand. He loved his children dearly but had allowed Morena to go too far.

Molly loved her father dearly, both were pacifists with a deep love of nature. After his passing, she slowly started to learn to forgive him for never stopping their mother. While she is not fully healed from their actions she understands the fear he felt.