Tutrix Hemday



2 months, 9 days ago




Tutrix Hemday; Moonraiser
Sine (Immortal)
September 17
East Elm
  • Aways wears his wedding band!
  • Hair usually up when he's awake
  • Very expressive
  • Dress him however you'd like!



Tutrix is a grouch in many aspects. He's a hermit. He keeps away from people, and he's happier that way. He was once seen as a sort of Messiah and he hated that image on himself. He just wanted to make the world as he best saw it, but grew aggitated with all the attention that brought. He's cynical, skeptical, and overl uninterested in mortal affairs. However, his wife is his world. He would give her the world even if it meant taking it from everyone else. She grounds him, and reminds him of his humanity where he otherwise forgets about it. He's made mortal friends, but not without the pain of knowing they'll one day be gone. He tries to convince himself that he is detatched from such things, but Clancy knows just as he does that it hurts him deep down.

Background & Magic

He's known as the world'd greatest witch. Stories have been told over the ages of his feats, but he has no interest in any of that. He made and levelled mountains, seas, and forests, and now he's tired. His new purpose is in doting on his beloved wife, and of course teaching his moronic (but equally beloved) student... He never wanted children, for a plethora of reasons, but with his close friend's son thrust into his care, he does his very best to look after him as he would his own son.

  • Gardening
  • Reading & Writing
  • History & Nonfiction
  • Walking in Nature
  • Creating
  • Loid Noises
  • Ignorance
  • Messy Spaces
  • Laziness
  • Disruption to Order


The love of his life. She's flawless in his eyes, the embodiment of perfection. He loves her for eternity.
Basil gave him quite the hard time when they first met, and no one holds a grudge quite like Tutrix.
His student and surrogate son. He's a loud and reckless pain in the ass, but damn if he doesn't care about him.