Fredrick Wolf



2 months, 10 days ago




Particulars: Intuitive, Callous, Adaptable

One of our most benevolent sponsors here at the company, the retired legendary color, The Charcoal King, had decided to grace us with his assistance. When questioned about his motive to join the company, it is simply to observe our work ethic and our sinners. We had offered him the manager position with our more capable branches, but he had chosen one of our latest experimental branches. He is often mistaken as a distortion due to his normal appearance, but has the ability to shapeshift into something more adaptable. He prefers to do things his way instead of going following proper rules and regulations which may be a bit troublesome to our company but none the less, he does well at his job.

[NOTICE] As an Executive Manager of one of our latest experimental branches, he was originally supposed to be strictly for surveillance until he had decided to take the branch into his own hands. We have suspected that he has underlying objective hidden to where future reports and observation on this branch is expected.

[WARNING] He may come across as impulsive and erratic at times, it is heavily advised to observe his behavior when he makes rash decisions or his unpredictable behavior.

Illustration: Atomique [Code Credit]