Romualda "Ro"



3 months, 21 days ago


Personnel record


File number


Purpose code







Record ID#






Start Date







Lead Geneticist




Clearance 5



Fingerprints ---------------


Active project(s) : D.L Accelerative Transformation (RV3)

Comments : Full reign. Highly classified. Continual funding guaranteed.

Employee information








HWL Time



Dark Brown

Skin tone




ice wraith

Species subtype

Yes (Coven)

Typical upbringing?


Country of origin

Facial build

Gaunt. Sharp nose, chin, cheekbones. Prominent brow; ridges dip notably over eyelids.

Presentation habits

Keeps hair short. Minimally coiffed. Wears leather frequently. Flats only. Rarely wears shirt.

Wraith appearance

Faded brown-black. Gold overcoat. Relatively diminutive. Black sclera.

Introverted Extroverted

Instinctive Calculated

Polite Blunt

Sincere Deceptive

Reserved Affectionate

Indifferent Emotional

Diligent Lazy

Brave Timid

Humorous Serious

Calm Irritated










Projects led 6

Projects total 12

publications 7

Education phd, biology


Fairly capricious. Does not play well with associates who keep strict schedules. Resents being given directions she personally disagrees with. If allowed, will rarely if ever delegate tasks. Produces chaotic, but high-quality results.


Keeps the lab atmosphere "light and fast-paced." Coworkers report either near-total synergy, or near-total aversion. Monitor relations.

Value of research

Moderately high. Areas of interest have been investigated before, but not by those mostly tethered to the Lower plane. Do not disclose.

works well with

Doctor A. M; Lab Assistants R. T, N. A; Field Agent M. Vernier ; monitor personnel. Intervention authorized when necessary

Class 5 tools provisionally permitted

class 5 information restricted

class 5 personal contact fully prohibited

class 5 protection required


Personal History 1987-2013

Grew up relatively normally in a coven. Her family were caring but distant. The only people to acknowledge her interests were werebeast family friends, often to make dismissive quips/belittling remarks. They were inlaws (conjugal with an aunt), and visited frequently.

Sensitive at her core, Romualda deeply internalized their unkindness. She became obsessed with the idea of taking from them what makes them most enviable: their transformations.

She begins her study of biology and is widely noticed as a prodigy. It is not enough.

Eventually, at a family gathering, one of the werebeings pushes her aside. She grabs him by both arms, gloveless (threat display; he is immune). He reacts poorly, calling for familial intervention, and she is expelled from the coven. This final indignity cinched her resolve: he was to be her first test subject.

One night she heads to an abandoned warehouse with her cart of tools. She dissects him, studies him, doses him with experimental tinctures. No part of the body was put to waste. She expects to feel relief, or vindication, or maybe guilt, but all she feels is curiosity. Her emotions take a total backseat to the discoveries she makes. She doesn't even siphon his life energy. It is a pure action -- an action in the pursuit of science.

2013- Personal History

She is scouted and recruited shortly after the acquisition of her PhD.

Interpersonal Concern : Moira Vernier

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus placerat facilisis. Integer viverra viverra ligula, vitae luctus mauris lacinia vel. Sed in fringilla metus. Duis molestie fermentum mi sed luctus. Integer congue vehicula mi, sit amet cursus ex bibendum vel. Aenean sit amet felis auctor, hendrerit sapien in, venenatis dui. Maecenas dapibus dolor a nibh scelerisque, fringilla congue tellus faucibus. Duis id risus augue. Quisque massa ligula, laoreet nec odio sed, semper sodales magna. Mauris luctus volutpat eros, lacinia tincidunt ex pretium sed. Nam tristique eu justo ut euismod. Aliquam ut mattis eros. Fusce mattis lorem vitae massa tempor, a scelerisque mi tempus.s magna. Mauris luctus volutpat eros, lacinia tincidunt ex pretium sed. Nam tristique eu justo ut euismod. A

the scientist is Molly's coworker and the one who experimented on bea

geneticist butch lesbian

s species originator? any skin contact will do. but unlike aes  sidhe/kelpies, this is directly harmful to prey with no pretenses. it  however grants her a heightened awareness of an individual:s biology  which is very helpful in whatever tf she's up to.

trying to  discover the trick to transformation. has experimented on dari laut,  dragons, and some lesser fae like kelpies. Dari Laut are easiest to  acquire. dragons are highly rare specimens, she's only worked on one.  fae are slippery but her co-workers have designed a cage that binds them  to the Common plane thanks in part to her research.

vivisection, dissection. spiritually and physically

s(n?)  have a toxic touch. they place their palms on living flesh to directly  siphon their life energies. they  will revert to a gaseous form when  starving. they aren't fae just like how the dragons aren't fae, but  where the dragons live entirely apart from the Common plane, s spend all their lives there. Ghost, siren, banshee mythology. They  register poorly to humans in their wisping state (slightly  incomprehensible but still visibly people) so they terrify people.  they've had to be crafty to feed. they only need a few years off of  someone every few months. when feeding, their target will black out due  to the venom within the countless tiny partially-Medium needles that  extend from their palms. it's been easy for some, then, to use sex as a  cover. but placing a palm on a passerby in a dimly-lit alley works just  as well. some will pretend to be helpless and lost to isolate ne'er do  wells. others are more indiscriminate.

who is my girl?

grew  up relatively normally in a coven, but there were some family  friends who were werebeings who were quite rude to her. they would make  dismissive quips and belittling remarks about her presence. sensitive at  her core, she deeply internalized their unkindness, and became obsessed  with the idea of stealing from them what makes them most enviable:  their transformations.

her family were caring but distant, and  the only people to even acknowledge her interests were these werebeasts,  but ofc for an unkind purpose. they visited frequently (boyfriend to an  aunt?) and her hatred began festering. she was equal parts scared of  them and indignant about their presence.

she goes deep into biology and is pretty much a genius. masters PhD the works.

eventually,  he shoves her aside or something at a family gathering, and she grabs  him by both arms, gloveless (threat display, he is immune fsr). he turns  this into a huge deal, and she is iced out of the coven. so naturally,  her first test subject is him.

one night she heads to an  abandoned warehouse with her cart of tools. she cuts him apart, studies  him, doses him with experimental tinctures. pickles some organs  probably. she expects to feel relief, or vindication, or maybe guilt,  but all she feels is    /curiosity./  Her emotions take a total backseat  to the discoveries she makes. she doesn't even siphon his life energy.  all in the pursuit of science.

she gets picked up by some budding  coalition that wants to institute a ruling committee for all higher  beings -- essentially run by angels. she doesn't really care as long as  they fund her projects and keep sending her test subjects.

she knows all about Dari laut biology, but each one is truly unique, so her curiosity is unabating...

this is all actually mostly true:

As  depicted in the Jewish mystical treatise Zohar and the medieval Jewish  satirical text Alphabet of Ben Sira, Lilith was Adam's first wife, who  later became a succubus.[4][5] She left Adam and refused to return to  the Garden of Eden after she mated with the archangel Samael.[5] In  Zoharistic Kabbalah, there were four succubi who mated with the  archangel Samael. The four original queens of the demons were Lilith,  Eisheth Zenunim, Agrat bat Mahlat, and Naamah.[6] A succubus may take a  form of a beautiful woman, but closer inspection may reveal deformities  of her body, such as bird-like claws or serpentine tails. In later  folklore, a succubus took the form of a siren.

a human tryst with  an Upper being spawned their entire race. essentially humans born  mostly incorporeal and with some highly alien and cthuluesque traits

they appear in dreams sometimes after feeding. aftereffect of the toxin tehe

psychosexual obsession with that dragon girl. wants her so carnally but wants to study her too