


5 years, 9 months ago


Saul's older sister, and the eldest of the three siblings. 

When she was young, Camilla showed signs of being a prodigy in their family’s form of martial arts, unlike her younger sister Andrias, who was born with terrible vision and chronic health issues, and was unable to train as vigorously as Camilla was. In addition, Camilla exhibited early on the somewhat-uncommon-but-unique-to-the-family-line trait of being able to control water. As a result of all this, Camilla was pressured with all sorts of lofty expectations because of her talents.

Camilla was and still is the favorite child: in their family, a heavy emphasis is placed on physical ability and fighting strength and carrying on their family’s martial arts tradition, so she sees how Andrias is coddled as practically an insult, and came to resent her family for doing so. Camilla wants everyone to back off and let Andrias prove herself without stepping in to help her all the time. However, Camilla takes it to a different extreme sometimes, occasionally to the point of leaving her sister in the dust and struggling to relate to her, since their parents raised Camilla to be The Best and not much else. In the end, she kinda lost her ability to know how to act around Andrias.

Several years later, after Saul was born, Camilla noticed some of the same aptitudes for fighting that Camilla herself showed at the same age, so right away she was eager to form a bond with him based on this. Later on, though, when Saul started to exhibit not only a LACK of water powers, but FIRE ones instead, the rest of the family started to treat him like a black sheep because of the stigma around fire (reasons for which I haven’t fully thought out yet, but trust me there’s Blood Feud-level stuff involved). Camilla, not wanting Saul to face the same sort of rejection that Andrias faced, decides to train him how to fight, since unlike their sister, he could actually handle it. 

Though she has trouble showing it sometimes, Camilla is protective of her siblings, and most of all, she wants to prove that Saul (and she herself, in the process) has a worth to someone besides her parents by being a role model to Saul and the Good Older Sister she wishes she could have been for Andrias. The only problem is she doesn't know much different than how SHE was taught, so she comes off really harshly and pushes Saul a little too hard most of the time with the same expectations that her parents put on her…


  • Tallest of the siblings
  • Scaley like the rest of her family, though her skin is a touch paler since she rarely leaves the caves
  • Gold eyes
  • Blue hair
  • Looks the most like Saul of anyone in the entire clan; even has the same cowlick
  • Allergic to shoes


  • Prideful and self-assured in her abilities
  • Wants desperately to do right by the family legacy
  • Has impossibly high standards for everyone and especially herself
  • Loves martial arts, training, sparring, and any setting that lets her prove she's the best


  • Originally, Camilla was based on Azula from ATLA in both personality and the chasing-after-your-brother role in the plot of this story, but eventually I scrapped that idea and mellowed her out. (Also she has water powers now instead of fire ones.)
  • I have it in some of my notes that she's supposed to be the oldest and in some other ones it says she's the middle child WHAT IS THE TRUTH, ME
  • I'm on the fence about the blue hair but I definitely like it better than the bright orange she started out with lol