


3 months, 8 days ago


Song Title


Name Minuette
Nicknames Min
Age 16
Gender Demigirl ( She/They )
Height 5'6"/168cm
Birthdate ???
Race Half-Elf
Orientation. Aroace
Role Reborn

Status Depressed
Designer SquidFinch
Worth Not For Sale
  • Heterochromia- one blue and one green eye

  • Scarf functions as a third arm

  • Eye Amulet moves in line with her face/what she's looking at

  • Keep The Freckles!!!!

  • Hair "horns" are just weird cowlicks I guess. Parts of her hair that shorta stick up from the back.

  • The Triangle Hair bits are separate and floating pieces, they're physically just Like That.

02 — Personality

Minuette is a somewhat distant teenager who has troubles making and maintaining friendships and connections. As the Reborn, she's been tasked with attoning for her actions as the Dark Curse, but she doesn't seem very keen on confronting that directly. She mostly hangs out with Key and the others, but does go on longer excursions by herself on occasion.

As a result of being reborn, Minuette can't recognize people by their faces. She has prosopagnosia, and it does hinder her ability to connect to others. Thankfully, most of the people she's friends with wear similar things every day.

Usually, Min is a fairly impulsive person. She finds that, after years of being the Dark Curse, there's little standing in her way between actions that come to her on a whim. Oftentimes, she doesn't think things through very well, and thus finds herself in predicaments a lot. Over time they've become more tame and sometimes even funny, but when she was first reborn she found herself in real danger much more often. It took her a while to get used to pain in her own body again.

In truth, she has conflicting feelings about being given a "second chance" at life. Minuette doesn't feel any connection to her life before she became the Dark Curse, but she also doesn't feel as if she deserves to be redeemed. In fact, part of her resents her brother for bringing her back, but she tries to burry this part of herself. She knows she should be grateful that she is here and now, that her friends and family are better with her here, but she'd be lying if sometimes she thought that the effort was wasted on herself.

  • Green (Favorite Color)

  • Divine Delicacy (Favorite Food)

  • Night

  • Large, baggy clothes

  • Small Spaces

  • Mirrors

  • Anything that leaves a film on her hans when she touches it

  • Large Crowds


Old Life

In her old life, Minuette was a rather shy child. She doesn't have many memories from these years, but she has had these gaps filled in by talking with her brother. Minuette lived with her mother near the Karkaton border with the Realm of The Fey. In these times, there wasn't much mingling between the elves within the realm and those outside. Despite this, Minuette grew up as a half-elf. Her father was never present and her mother wouldn't talk about him. Min lived fairly isolated, a fair ways awy from the nearest village. After a while, she grew rebellious and began to sneak out of the house, eventually finding her way into the forest in the Realm of the Fey. She found a small clearing within, and would return there often. It was far enough that she knew her mom wouldn't find her, and seemingly isolated enough that no one other than herself would stumble upon it by chance.

That is until one day, when she found someone else within the clearing. She had stumbled in and found another person, an elf that was quite obviously from the higher rungs of society. Initially it was very awkward and stiff between them, though after a while the two found that they were more compatible as friends than anything. This elf she had met was named Calborn, and he was the son of an affluent family within the High Court in Realm of The Fey. Despite this, he had little support in anything other than finances, and felt ostracized and separate from his family and those around him. Over this, the two bonded, and would often set up times to come and meet eachother within this clearing. Most of their time together was spent sharing their problems and messing around, though occassionally Cal would bring little trinkets or snacks to give to Min.

Dark Curse

Over time, Min found herself becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the fact that Calborn had much more he could part with and give to her like it was nothing, while she found herself struggling more and more in general. Slowly, this began to drive a wedge between the two, and coupled with increasing stress and control put onto her by her mom, Minuette began showing up less and less. Eventually, she was able to piece together that Calborn's father was also hers, and that he had left her mother to attend higher duties at the Court. This resentment manifested in her last meeting with Calborn, where she took out her anger on him, and told him not to look for her anymore. After this, she returned to her home, where her resentment of herself only grew.

Eventually, Minuette couln't take the shame, stress, and hatred of herself any longer, and casted away her human form, becoming the Dark Curse. As the curse, she would go on a rege-filled blind attack on anything that came near her, and news of a fearful monster would make it's way into Realm of The Fey. Hearing these reports, Calborn would leave on his own to go and find Min, hoping that she was alive. When he arrived in Karkaton, he fought with the Curse, and after losing an eye, was told to leave in a familiar voice. Realizing that his sister was the Curse itself, he was able to take her by surprise and seal her away into a box. For the next 1000 years, this is where Min would reside.

Second Life

Having been reborn, Minuette was very resistant to the idea of being human again. Traveling with the Great Sage Lurlene to attone, Min felt that she was too far removed from being human, and was very obstinate in any attempt to make her so. Despite having a human body, Min was still able to access some of the magic she had as the Curse, though it was only used on the amulet that hung around her neck. Her soul had been bound to it, and thus her physical body was really only a vessel. Slowly, Minuette was able to confront some of the shame she had for herself, and began to calm down and come to somewhat of an understanding of her life and others. At this, she was given back to the main party. She still struggles with the disconnect between herself now, her old else, and wether she still is the Curse or not. She's reconnected with her brother, though she feels guilty in having him both bring her back, but also for him to cast his own humanity away in order to do so.

Min has tried to break the amulet that holds her being. The only thing that's come of it is awful pain. It's nearly indestructable, and only out of sheer desperation to make it do Something has she even slightly chipped it. While Min had a lot more dtermination to break it when she was first reborn, overtime she's begrudgingly accepted the situation. Despite that, if she could, she would break it, if only to answer the question of if her soul is still cursed or not.

Despite this, overall Minuette is doing better. She has a much larger support system and people that genuinely care for her. While she still finds it hard to communicate sometimes, she's making an effort to be a better person. She knows that she can't ever make up for all the pain and hurt she's caused, but that doesn't stop her from trying to be happy for herself.


  • Min has a horrible time cooking anything. She's pretty much been banned from entering the kitchen. Anytime she comes close to a stove something is bound to be set on fire.

  • Her scarf is magic, and she can use it pretty much as an extention of herself. While she can feel with it, it's rather dull compared to her actual hands, so she does have trouble being really dexterous with it. Despite that, it gets the job done, and she often uses it to carry and grab things that she doesn't have enough physical strength to.

  • Minuette avoids mirrors as much as she can, and will avoid looking at her reflection in things like windows and puddles. A combination of not being able to recognize herself and being able to clearly see markings of the curse still on her face makes her feel uneasy whenever she does catch a glimpse of herself.

  • Minuette can't sleep be herself, and will often insted opt to share a room with Key. Min doesn't like the oppressive darkness of night, and so usually has a nightlight of some sort. Min's embarassed about it but Key doesn't mind. Jupiter will tease her for it though.



Minuette's half-brother, though they only met when she was in her early teens. Their relationship was somewhat tense, but they've seince grown closer over time. If anything, Min blames herself for what her brother had to go through.

Cal cares deeply for his sidter, and tries to fill her in on the time that's passed between her lives. Min does tease him over his timidness. Despite that, it's clear on Cal's part that he's trying his best not to make his sister uncomfortable, and it does put a strain between them. However, things are slowly getting better. He's still a wet napkin of a guy though.


The hero of Miitopia, Key was the one who fought and ultimately made the decision to save Minuette, though the line between her and Cal was questionable at the time. To Min, Key is in a weird spot in terms of where she sits in the family-adjacent structure Min sorts people around her into, but for the most part she considers the little hero a sibling.

The two have a good relationship, and Min has a nice fondness for Key. Min teases her but it's all in good fun. Key likes to spend time with Minuette, and the two tend to play tame pranks on others.

Minuette feels a bit weird when Key and cal are in the same room together, as due to her meddling with them in Otherworld, the boundaries betweent heir souls have melded a bit. While the two are still separate, there are times where it's not so easy to tell, and they act and perform actions in the exact same manner and inflection. It's a reminder to Min of her own mistakes, and so she would much rather spend time with Key alone than with Cal around.