
1 month, 21 days ago


What will we discover today?
Alias bearlune
Pronouns They/Them
Age Adult
Birthday ---
Species Nocturnal Coelune
Masterlist MYO 2031
Occupation Explorer
Theme ---

collected · adventurous · optimistic

A coelune with an adventurous heart, exploring different planets and making friends along the way! Always ready to take on the day and do the best they can. Is always more than happy to share stories and notes on different places they've visited.


Naturally takes a leader role in any group they're in, always there to lend a hand to a friend in need. Keeps a positive outlook and is always looking towards a brighter future. Mayday possesses a curiosity for the world and everything beyond, especially when it comes to the wonders of space.

  • Space
  • New sights
  • Sour candy
  • Cold drinks
  • Dirty spaces
  • Being lonely
  • Waiting around
  • Tight clothes


78718704_R2po0NbaQLyHaBR.png    Mayday grew up a sick child, constantly in and out of hospitals, the sight of a hospital room was almost like a second home to them at that point. Their world was small, closely monitored, sanitized.
   Despite how sick they were, and complications they faced along the way, they always had a dream of seeing the big wide world. Perhaps it was just the escapism, wanting to be free of such a contained life, but they grew such a fascination for space. Asking for every space related book there was, always keeping a pack of glow in the dark star stickers in their pocket to stick in whatever room they might be staying in, secretly staying up so they could sneak over to a window at night. As soon as they were better, they were going to see everything.

New Start

78718704_R2po0NbaQLyHaBR.png    As an adult Mayday finally grew strong enough to be more independent. With a promise to not push themself too hard, they set out on their journey, they were going to be a space explorer. Many doubted them, even telling Mayday that they were foolish to believe that they could survive out on their own.
   It of course took a lot of studying, and picking up odd jobs, and their parents' support, but Mayday managed to get a little one person starship.

Present Day

78718704_R2po0NbaQLyHaBR.png    In present day Mayday is the leader of a two person crew, taking the duo all across the cosmos (on a better ship now!!). Mayday plans out where they're going next and Curio keeps notes on everything they've encountered. Sometimes they make stops to help people out when they can, going on all sorts of quests.
   Every day is always some type of new adventure, and Mayday couldn't be happier, living their dream and then some. They're constantly sending messages back home with plenty of pictures of different sights, creatures, and friends they've come across. The future is looking bright!

Curio Best Friend

A fellow space explorer! Mayday met this starlyng at the start of their adventures. She was rather shy at first and hesitant to make friends, but now they travel the universe together!

Character Name Relationship Type

Duis volutpat neque et lectus ornare, sed fringilla dolor feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla eget mauris lectus. Nunc id velit ultricies, aliquet quam sit amet, mollis odio. Suspendisse malesuada nunc in efficitur porttitor. Curabitur scelerisque turpis quis augue aliquet tincidunt.

Character Name Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.

  • Cannot cut their own hair to save their life it always ends up a mess. Lets it grow as long as they can stand it before going to get it cut.
  • Wears shorts even in the cold.
  • Has way too many trinkets.
Design Notes
  • Eyes on the head bubble can change expressions.
  • Halo can be lightly touched, but any more pressure and your hand will simply phase through. Makes a soft chime when tapped.