Trenton Williams



3 months, 10 days ago


test tube baby modeled after old-planet war hero trenton williams a couple hundred years after his death + then hypnotized with almost entirely ai generated media to believe himself to be the man himself. a man out of time made to play the face of propaganda and uncle to the unstable captain of the ship he was created on

some deets-
  • Not as much of a war hero as his great x100 nephew likes to play him up as, a lot of the more grandiose war stories either incredibly inflated or straight up false
  • Made to rely upon West (+his nephew to a lesser extent) for every single aspect of living, an intentional tactic to keep him dependent and reliable that ends up making him extremely paranoid most of the time instead. Constantly fearing the possibility of people around him being killed+replaced with test tube clones a la how he was created
  • Had a younger brother (name of Mark) who did not join up with the military but died shortly into Williams' service. Was a real absent uncle and an unresponsive brother-in-law, avoided his brother's family afor the most part
  • More responsive, dynamic, and HUMAN than past URCR experiments with test tube babies sans brain scans. Knows things from his 'past life' that were not included in the hypnotism material at all, freaks West the hell out each time he notices it
  • Was 44 when he died for the 'first time' after 26 years of military service
  • Prone to keeping secrets and going behind people's backs to get what he wants- paying recruits to get him alcohol from the mess, memorizing the location of security cameras to avoid them, etc etc. A total switch to excessive honestly and bouts of uncomfortable oversharing when he finally trusts someone
  • An extreme sense of body dysmorphia, feels as if he is piloting a meat-mech with very little input. The image of himself in his mind doesn't really match the body before him- both due to little things that the URCR couldn't have known (birthmarks+other small particulars which Williams shouldn't know about but still Does) and intentional erasure of self harm scars (URCR believing having them there may trigger relapse and that blotting out that entire aspect of the first Williams' life- despite his self destructive tendencies (+alcoholism) being a somewhat well known piece of it- was more reasonable overall). Just ends up worsens his mental health overall