
6 months, 18 days ago


joined up with the URCR as a disenfranchised, disullusioned, and overall disinterested young man- choosing military service over anything planet-side almost entirely on the vague idea of Legacy despite not even wanting kids. now a successful and respected specialist, his latest assignment the management+acclimation of test tube baby trenton williams

some info-
  • Well aware of the damage the URCR's presence has caused his planet in every regard- economical, environmental, and cultural- but only in a real detached way. Sees the decline of his hometown and the disrespect his community faces but believes the URCR has made itself too instrumental to the planet to do anything about it
  • Doesn't like typical military shows of respect. Insists Williams Only calls him West (rather than agent West), refuses to wear his medals, etc etc. Absolutely eats up the total reliance+vulnerability he gets from Williams though
  • ^ Related to above. Often catches himself thinking of Williams as 'cute', though less in a geniune expression of admiration and more as infantilization. Has seen so much of Williams' worst that he subconciously devalues the man's real knowledge+talent and gets quite surprised when they show up
  • Gets his brain scanned by the URCR about once every two weeks as a back up precaution. If West ever dies, they'll grow a little test tube puppy and beam that scan into his head to make a new west
  • Incredibly rigid+straight faced while 'on the clock', also an extreme overworker. Gets two days planetside every month to hide himself away in his apartment until its time to go back to Williams-watching
  • Not much of a life outside of work. Eats microwave meals, either passes out immediately or dozes off to schlop tv after he clocks out. Put in a ton of overtime hours in the lead up to Williams' creation reviewing the ai generated reports, documentaries, video footage, '''candid''' photographs, and other materials meant for the hypnotism