Daemon Discordiano



5 years, 9 months ago


Daemon Discordiano
Intelligent • Manipulative • Charismatic
Basic Info
NameDaemon Discordiano
AgeHundreds of years old [Appears to be in early 40s]
Height[7 ft 6 inches]
Species[Otherworldly Being]
Gender[Genderqueer, Male-leaning]
Relationship Status[N/A]
Job[Evil Overlord/ CEO of a big company on world 224]

Color Palette
Skin#63484f + #42313e (markings)
Eyes#871c25 + #ba2d20 + #d86513 +#efc01e























Daemon Discordiano is the main antagonist for my story (Guardian Prophecy) who wanted nothing more than to enjoy a simple human lifestyle, but due to his heavily forced-on destiny had everything taken away from him by his father. Forever changed by trauma, grief, and betrayal he now seeks to end all hope. A tragic villain by nature. Daemon is an A-class (type/species) demon and self proclaimed lord of darkness out to do no good causing chaos and despair in his pursuit of an ultimate goal. One that still remains unclear.

A Fearsome Leader: He's cunning, charming, and a master manipulator that usually gets his way through any means necessary. Daemon is the leader of a large organisation of dark forces made up of many skilled assassins, spies, thieves, hunters, black market dealers, underground kingpins (and more) spread out over at least 3 worlds- finding allies in others as he gains access to them. He leads through an honour-based system where failure is not an option, and betrayal (or if the code is broken) ending in a fate worse than death in most cases. He is not someone you would want to get in a bad mood.

Taking the Hands-On Approach: Daemon can and will usually be more than happy to jump on the front-lines to get things done with his own two hands. Not only is this a way of showing that he does not give two shits about how powerful his opponent is, but also as a way to set the bar for those working for him- there are no free riders under his control.

A-Class Abilities: The A-class is the highest classification of demon threat level back on world 442 where he (as well as most of our main crew) originates from. They are the 'original' demon type from which all other demons, and half demons come from. His father was referred to as 'the father of all demons' after all... This of course leaves Daemon, the sole true off-spring (also the only remaining of that bloodline) with a lot of ancient and mystical powers:

  • The ability to create new half-to-full demons with his blood
  • Transformation/shape-shifting + Body possession
  • The ability to summon or manifest objects out of thin-air (this can also be applied to his own 'body' as he does not teleport, but is able to appear and re-appear to an individual)
  • Psychic Abilities: specifically the ability to read minds, project and implant thoughts, steal/temporarily erase memories 
  • Ancient curses (usually used as means to bind those who work for him to himself as a means to always be able to 'keep an eye on them'- hence the eye tattoo that is usually somewhere on an employee's body)
  • Black Blood: his a-class blood is what makes up most of him, and he is able to control it to create weapons, harden it for defence, or use it as a means to 'put himself together' if he's ever diced up into little pieces.

Downsides of being OP (aka weaknesses and troublesome happenings):

  • I got no body:  After being sealed away for 200 years, when he was revived by a cult he was only able to manifest into a spirit-like form. Thuogh tangible, the current form you see pictured is only made physical by whatever black blood was left/ that he could steal. This leads to the next point->
  • A parasitic relationship: The black blood is an otherworldly parasite that needs nourishment to continue living on, whether it be through absorbing energy from 'the crystal', multiplying itself and then collecting back it's newly-made pieces, or through mixing with other blood cells and taking them over. Which leas to->
  • The hunger: Daemon is prone to sporadic episodes of hunger where his 'body' will experience instability unless it is fed by any of the above methods. This is extremely inconvenient for him as during these episodes he may revert back to his feral instincts and have zero control over his own thoughts and actions until he is satisfied. It is a very painful process to hold his hunger back, and he is usually in pain/ in a weakened state until the pang is over. (However... we do not advise trying to attack him in this state)
  • The Craze: Daemon is prone to periods of extreme savagery, insanity, and psychosis. During these periods he is not entirely self-aware and may have a hard time recalling what he had done. He personally hates these episodes, but as far as he knows he is unable to control them, he is only able to feel when one is coming on.
  • One more curse: about 1000 or so years ago, when he was still what is considered a young adult by demon standards, he pissed off an ancient deity of sorrow who cursed him. He is unable to kiss anyone without them immediately forgetting who he is for eternity. SO now he is unable to kiss anyone with the intent of true-love, (this was important to the curse) otherwise he was able to manipulate the curse in a way that he is able to kiss someone but they would forget the last 24hrs. In short, he avoids kissing.
Design Notes
  • Face: angular, triangle or heart-shaped? He got cheek bones for days. Angular non-human eyes. Long nose. Mouth extends further than human anatomy on most occasions. Soft lips with the tips of his fangs protruding on most relaxed expressions. Long pointy elf-like ears. Facial hair: usually  keeps everything besides the goatee  trimmed, but can  and will grow a moustache/ fuller beard if he wanted to.
  • Body: Your  typical  'Dorito'. Think athletic. Considering hes a shape-shifter by nature and is not usually bound to a physical form, typical Male anatomy is only a base (aka sometimes things will look out of proportion, or not conforming to typical ratios, but not noticeable enough unless you really focus on it). In general though: broad angular shoulders, almost feminine hips (rather high hip bone), hes got a 4 pack yeah, elongated torso.
  • Arms+Legs: Long leggies, yeah he's got a booty. Toned biceps+ triceps and strong forearms with usually long digits and claws on the hands. He does paint his nails or usually shifts them between safe and slicey-dicey whenever he feels like it.
  • Other: This version of him is his most typical appearance, or his 'casual' form (for others please check tabs). Daemon is able to take many shapes and forms and typically tries to copy the human physique but is always slightly... off. Markings on body are a must. 3 gold hoop earrings on both ears. He exudes a flamboyant and dominating aura so feel free to have fun with that. 

(Please do not read yet xd big wip) Born with the sole purpose to be blood successor to his father's dark legacy. Growing tired of his seemingly laid out path Daemon sought to outsmart  his father by convincing him that he would be useful in spying on humanity's last stand. Ended up developing  feelings for a certain wonderful human woman whom he would soon discover was the guardian (at the time, the last remaining). He grew fond of acting his role as a human and the life he had started to live

 condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Vivamus accumsan tristique arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent convallis justo orci, vitae facilisis massa semper sit amet. Nunc placerat accumsan orci, eget vehicula arcu accumsan ac. Suspendisse dignissim nisl nec imperdiet scelerisque. Morbi nec laoreet arcu. Cras condimentum lobortis ligula, sit amet gravida purus elementum ut.

  • The finer things in life- luxury or bust
  • Red wine
  • Music
  • Long night-time driving trips
  • Liars/ backstabbers
  • Lower life-forms (in most cases)
  • Himself
  • Getting annoyed
  • Horns and tail can manifest in times of excitement, annoyance, or arousal (his tail acts  as if it has a mind of it's own to boot)
  • Prefers staying in his casual form or better yet any of his human forms (of which is has far too many, which leads to him having 1 too many aliases)
  • He adores fashion
  • No one knows what he smokes, but it has an intoxicating scent. He may enjoy the occasional cigar but if it ain't organic he ain't having it
  • Sings, and loves playing the guitar and piano (yes he stole some poor person's abilities for the piano, guitar, however, he taught himself)
  • Likes to knit and cook in his spare time (is not necessarily the best at either, but it helps him relax and feel grounded)
----------------------- -->

Ash Ally/Trusted Employee

Daemon's favourite minion so to speak. Ash is able to run the organization/ all the behind the scenes with full trust from Daemon.

He genuinely admires the man's skills and gives him a level of trust unlike any other. Is slightly interested in him sexually, but never outright admits to it nor pushes for it out of respect (seriously).

Amelia Past Lover (Deceased)

His one and only true love. The only human he cared about more than his own mother.

To Daemon, not being able to tell her about the truth, having to do what he did to let her go, is one of his greatest regrets in his long life.

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.