xCLOSED Oodles of Poodles



3 months, 12 days ago

Basic Info

C - scarlettwolf1245@ dA

D - apollo_sunshiba@ FA


These poodle babies were meant to be fun designs to add some pep to your day and served as great warm ups for me. After purchase, feel free to reinvent or build on these designs as any other species/breed, no problem, I'd love to see what you do with them after, but never any obligation/pressure to do so!

I originally made these to be Poodles obviously but after purchase, you are free to edit and change the design to suit your style or design needs, this includes markings, colors, breed, etc. It is your character to do as you wish with!

  • Each design is $10 USD, and upon claim, you have 24hrs to send payment or it will go to the next person interested/waiting
  • You are free to change breed / species / any elements of the design / revamp or resale if you so choose upon purchase. 
  • Please do not resell any of my designs for more than original price without additional art
  • I do ask for design credit however if possible, please!
  • I can/will privately send you the separate full-res .png file of your purchased adopt to you ❤️

  • Comment to claim!