are both A and B still available? if so id love to claim them

Hello! A is indeed still open! I will contact the other two ahead of you for B, you to see if they're still interested, and will let you know <3

If you'd like to send for A, you can do so here!

okay, would you like me to send it through friends and family or goods and services

No preference! Whichever you're most comfortable sending as <3


Gotcha! I'll send over A's seperate png file via dm to you <3 Thank you so much for purchasing!!! I truly appreciate it 

Is B open? I can send the money asap if so

May I claim B please?

Hello! I am so sorry for not seeing your comment until now ): I would fully understand if you'd like to pass on B from this sheet now, but I wanted to at least give you first chance to grab him for $10! If not, no worries at all, it's been a hot second since you offered, TH just never notified me. 

If you did still want him, you're totally welcome to send via here;

But if you'd like to pass to, absolutely no harm nor foul, and I'll let him go to the next in line <3

No worries, I'm still interested! Sent the money!

Awesome! Gotcha all on my end ❤️ So happy she’s going somewhere she’s loved haha!

Sending her Png separate file via DM for you now love!