Imumu [OFF]






Name Imumu
Gender Male
Personality Jolly / Lax
Status PURE
Height Varies on eaten Spectres
Weight Varies on eaten Spectres
Residence Unknown

Ah, ah! Are you certain that this is your final death wish, unclean spectre?"


Imumu is a ghost-cloth cat from the OFF by Mortis Ghost Universe. He was born into the world after dying previously from another unbeknowest to him, with no memories or recollection of any kind of his past memories or life--besides the fact he knows he has died once before, and he recalls the cause of it, too; spectres.

As he begins to recall what he could recall with his limited memories, he came to the conclusion that these spirits that had ended his life were not your normal everyday ghost, and absolutely not just any spectres like your usual poltergeist ghost, but spectres that related to negative emotions and negative feelings--such as depression, suicide, bad life styles, bad choices, bad memories, etc--manifesting themselves into horrifying monsters.

Time goes on as he comes to the realization that his appetite was set for him, as well--it was as if this body knew what it wanted, and that he was already given the tools needed to bring justice towards any and all spectres that bring forth these bad things to others in the world, and even to himself. The world is filled with these ghost, and they're not stopping anytime soon--so he takes initative and decides that he would be the one to eradicate any spectres he can by imprisoning them in his weird new clothy-like body.

Imumu's strange body can store an unlimited supply of spectres by consuming them, and the more he eats them, the more powerful he becomes. Different 'forms' can be achieved depending on how many spectres he decides to eat in one go--and if he doesn't eat for a long period of time, he turns into a literal cat rug with that goofy head being the only formed thing.

In order to live, he must consume and use spectres as his fuel. A good amount of spectres is what keeps his form as a normal looking cat--anything more could make him larger--and in turn, become his ultimate form. Anything beyond that--and the spectres might end up controlling him instead...




0% Spectres Eaten - RUG - Imumu looks like a cat skin rug on the floor and can barely move in this form. The weakest of all his forms.
50% Spectres Eaten - NORMAL - Imumu looks like a regular everyday walking cat. This is the form he's normally always in 24/7.
75% Spectres Eaten - PUFFY - Imumu looks a bit poofier than normal, and is able to use stronger spiritual moves with his fist.
100% Spectres Eaten - GRAND - Imumu is very large with unusual white markings on him. Visible spectres are seeping out his mouth. Able to use plastic, smoke, meat, and metal attacks.
200% Spectres Eaten - SPECTRE - Imumu has become the size of a titan, his stomach becoming his face with two big eyes and a mouth filled with spectres, and his head becoming a useless vessel. Extremely powerful, but also hard for Imumu to control--as the spectres are at the point where they can take over his body at any given time.


  • Eating spectres, his favorite food.
  • Assisting anyone in eliminating major spectre infestation activities.
  • Though he hates evil spectres, he does love to study them and learn things about them and their capabilities.
  • A good calming afternoon and a good time with friends. He adores times where he can just relax and do nothing.
  • Going from Zone to Zone to find anything unbeknownst to him.


  • Evil spectres.
  • Evil willed people--whether they're spectres or not.
  • The feeling of being below 50% Spectre Percentage / getting close to his rug form.
  • Letting spectres get away from meeting their demise--runaways that succeed in escaping anger him greatly.
  • The feeling of being beyond 200% Spectre Percentage as he fears losing himself to the things he hates.


Imumu's name originally came from a randomly generated username in a Watch2Gether room, where the word 'IMUMU' was spelled.

Imumu's roll, while he is set to be in the OFF by Mortis Ghost universe--is canonically in the world of HOME, a OFF spinoff made by Felix Mullins where the player takes the roll of The Judge rather than The Batter.

While Imumu can eat normal foods, Imumu's favorite foods is quite literally spectres, giving him all the more reason to go and hunt them down.

According to Imumu, every Spectre depending on their primary negative emotions or powers, can effect the taste of a Spectre. For example, depression-related spectres tastes like salt, while addiction-related spectres taste very sweet, and so on.

Technically, besides being able to get tired or knocked out, Imumu is unable to die by normal means. The only way to kill Imumu is by bringing his Spectre Level below 0% via starvation or forcing him to use all his power to exhaustion in combat.


Fritz Cat (Best Friend)

A companion that he met somewhere within some kind of Zone. He takes a great liking to this friend of his and frequently fools around or has fun with him. You'll almost always see him alongside this cat.

Baster Spectre (Indifferent Ally)

Considering Imumu's general distain for spectres, it comes to no surprise that at one point he was suspicious about this one--however, given how he used to be treated by Shadow, he thought to himself that others shouldn't be treated the same way like that. So, he decides to give him a chance and realizes that he's in a similar predicament as himself--and decides to try to help him eliminate spectres.
