Basic Info




"I vowed to never use that power. Now look what I've done."

Full Name: Absalom Morningstar
Nicknames: Axel (preferred), Abby (Charlie), Ax (Malachi)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 295
Occupation: Host of the Hotel for Wayward Souls (formerly Hazbin Hotel)
Sexuality: Demisexual

  1. Abilities include shadow conjuring, voice changing, and form changing
  2. 2 types of healing magic:
    1. Lucifer’s golden healing magic that can heal minor cuts, bruises, and scratches
    2. Alastor’s strings/stitches (which Axel calls “Life Threads”)-
      1. Sewing threads for voodoo dolls and such
      2. Can cauterize any wound, but comes at a price-
        1. The person they are used on will have their life bound to the user and cause their free will be tainted and can become nonexistent if the user so choses. (which is why he doesn’t like to use them if he can help it)
    3. If the threads are cut the wound will reappear and if it was fatal the person will die in minutes of them being cut
  • More of a pacifist than Alastor, takes a lot to piss him off, but he will jump into a fight if someone he cares for is in danger
  • Only drops his smile/smirk around Malachi or if he is the center of the conversation or something were to happen to him.