Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


This profile contains some sensitive content! I never post anything NSFW, but I suggest that you be at least 14 to view everything! I am 19, so I'd be more comfortable talking to people close to my age. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

  • Draw any of my characters
  • Add my characters to your favorites/folders
  • Ask for art trades
  • Use my stuff for inspiration!
  • Use my characters or original species without crediting me
  • Outright steal my characters, designs, or art
  • Draw NSFW or fetish content using my characters
  • Ask to buy a species or any of my characters that aren't listed as for sale, you can use my species for free with credit
Content Warnings
  • Typical cartoon/semi-realistic death, violence, and gore
  • Some elements of horror (body horror, disturbing imagery, analog horror)
  • Depictions of mental illnesses, drug abuse, alcoholism, and other general touchy subjects
More Info
  • I have no one on my blacklist for now, let's keep it that way!
  • The species I've mentioned above (Archangels and Familiars) were created by me and me alone, they are not for sale or commerical use
  • These species are not "closed", just please ask permission to use them
  • If you suspect that someone is stealing from me or otherwise abusing my art or my trust, feel free to contact me through comments, DMs, etc.
  • Anti-LBTQ+ people/supporters, acephobes, religious zealots
  • Depraved individuals, such as pedophiles, zoophiles, necrophiles, proshippers etc.
  • DO NOT bring political shit into my profile or circle, do not attempt to argue with me about principles, or start a fight about anything concerning politics
  • Dream stans, supporters, or followers of him or any other celebrity known for being controversial/problematic with good reason
  • If you behave in a way that makes me uncomfortable, I will block you; do not flirt with me, do not "try to get to know me" unless we're friends, just don't be weird and respect my privacy and orientation

Thanks for reading!



mental abuse

eye imagery


war imagery

flashing lights

drug use


creepy imagery

animated backgrounds

religious imagery

gun use

body horror




unethical experimentation

angelic/demoic characters

car crash mentions

cult mentions

glitching imagery

romantic conflict

minor injuries

space imagery

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