Saint Austin



5 years, 8 months ago


basic info
name: Saint Austin
pronouns: he/him
first death: self [toggle spoiler] [cw: suicide mention]
physical age: [unknown - 20's]
saint's age: 6yrs [deceased]
role: antagonist .
fatal flaw: destructive
saint information
saint type: patron
token: stained glass eyes
status: [unknown]
lurking around rooftop ledges, antagonizing people, psychedelic drugs
sticky candy, cold foods, pain, unpleasant surprises
a young man with short, wavy red hair. he's always wearing a pair of glasses (style varies) and has a cane for the blind. his grin is much larger than it should be, and he has an unsettling amount of teeth crammed in there.

when he's feeling extra chaotic / getting close to burning out, his hair is constantly sticking up and moving slightly like he's stuck falling. his clothing has the same effect and seems to always be billowing slightly.

note: when austin opens his eyes, it's seen that they've been replaced with two stained glass orbs. austin can sometimes see out of his stained glass eyes. a saint's body depends on how they remember themself being in life -- so sometimes austin remembers himself being sighted, and other times he's reminded that he lost his eyes. memories are fickle as a saint, and so it varies. when austin is sighted, he sees everything in kaleidoscope colors.
austin originally lost his eyes to ocular cancer. in his high school (a private school for the blind), he created his cult, which doubled as an avenue to sell drugs. at the end of his senior year, police interrupted the cult's "final meeting" (wink) and Austin threw himself off of the rooftop rather than be be taken into custody.

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