Zia Spirit



2 months, 28 days ago




Zia Spirit is dead. Or, is she?

It's impossible to tell, the girl can willingly change from being a spectre to a full-fleshed human at the drop of a hat. You'd think that her last name Spirit would let you know that, but most people think she's joking when she introduces herself. Her and her family of a mother, father, and three siblings work to haunt the houses of others, mostly for fun, but sometimes out of obligation. They do not kill, however, one member seems to think that they should. She doesn't pay him much mind, as long as he doesn't get them in trouble.


Zia Spirit
Human Spirit


assertive . careful . playful

Zia's a girl who, at a horribly young age, learned how to not take shit from anyone. She loves her friends, she loves her family, and tends to ignore the bad that surrounds her and her family and just . . . let things happen, so to speak. Despite this, she is very caring, kind, and incredibly playful.

She's always the one to come up with games for her family to play, and her family mostly goes along with it. Some call her the life of the party — her friends love to hang out with her. Zia's also a girl who is incredibly creative. Whether it be art or stories, you'll always find her cooking up something when she's not out haunting with her family.


A normal girl, an almost normal life, Zia Spirit was like any other girl. Born to a family, lovehates her siblings, and goes to a school where everyone is either incredibly happy or dead inside.

... Horrible Kids ...

Zia never did anything to anyone, but for some reason, people thought they could do stuff to her. She's very good at making friends, but seems to be equally as good at making enemies. She doesn't have as many enemies as she has friends, but that didn't matter when they'd always find themselves alone. Needless to say, Zia was bullied in school. She was bullied in the 2nd grade by a 5th grader. She was bullied in 3rd grade by another 3rd grader in her class. Even when she moved schools in 5th grade, people wanted to mess with her. At one point, though, she had enough. And so did someone else, too.

... A New Friend ...

One day after school, Zia was alone waiting for her mother to come pick her up. All her friends had left before her. Seeing this, her current bully, Nolan, came to talk to her. He spoke his same shit, saying that no one ever loves her or has loved her. She ignored him this time around, which made him angry. She heard something about a threat of killing her, but she couldn't pay too much attention when another voice began to speak to her. "Don't let him tease you," she heard as she was thrown against the school's wall. Zia and the voice spoke to each other, eventually leading to the voice asking, "Want me to take care of him? she agreed, and as soon as she did, she blacked out.

Turns out she has an evil alter ego that goes by the name of Zenny Coffin. She was the Hyde to Zia's Jekyll, but without the crazy science experiments. Zia didn't like her at first, seeing as she literally kills people, but her brother does too, and if Zenny is capable of not leaving any tracks to follow, then . . . what's the issue?


  • The youngest in her family
  • Her last name is inspired by VenturianTale, namely Johnny Ghost
  • I made her when I was 12, so she is forever 12
  • Scariest ghost of the family
  • Always wears purple, usually purple short-sleeved shirts
  • Her brown, mid-back length hair is never in a ponytail
  • She knows Johnny Ghost


older brother


older brother


older sister


alter ego