Mythiee Moon



2 months, 21 days ago


Hey, are you okay?


Mythiee Moon is the best caretaker you could ever hire.

He's not a parent, but Mythiee is incredibly good with children. He likes to think that it's because he's just had a soft spot for them for a long time (he used to hate them!), but there's a little more to it than that. He has a secret, one that not even he knows about. As far as he knows, he's just a normal guy like anyone else with a very strong love for taking care of children of any age. Should a child he's watching over's life is ever in danger, he'll quickly realize what makes him so special . . .


Mythiee Moon
Child Caretaker


chill . protective . understanding

Mythiee is incredibly chill. He's like the cool uncle at the family reunion that gives you money every time he visits and takes you to the mall whenever your parents drop you off at his house. He's sometimes like this so the older kids who he knows would hate being babysat don't try to pull any pranks on him. He's seen too many movies.

He's also incredibly protective over the children he cares for. I mean, of course he is, he has to for his job. But that's not why he's so protective. Every child he cares for he thinks of as his own, especially the kids who show tough personalities. He has a natural father's instinct. Or unnatural, since he's not actually a father.


Born of a loving family, Mythiee grew up as any other human with a loving family. That's what makes him think that he is. His parents know, but never wanted to tell him for fear of him trying to show off at school, which would've brought much unwanted attention to the family. He would find out when it's time.

... Daycare Assistant ...

Mythiee used to hate kids. Despise them, even. His mother owns a daycare, so she would take him there after picking him up from school. They'd stay there until either his dad picked him up or they went home for the day. His mother made him help her out whenever he didn't have homework to do, or when she really needed it. His job was to watch the little little kids, from infants to preschoolers. It's what made him despise children, he didn't know how his mom did this all day.

It wasn't until he got older that he began to grow his soft spot for children. Nothing special particularly happened, he just didn't feel the resentment for the kids he watched over anymore. He began to understand them more.

... Caretaker ...

Like mother, like son, Mythiee grew up to offer his help taking care of others' children. He's in college now, but he still makes time to offer his help for students that he knows have children. And during any long breaks, even in the summer, he opts to help his mother when she needs it.

Nothing bad has ever happened to Mythiee or any of the children he cares for, which is a good thing. However, his parents are worried that he may never learn about the powers he wields. Of course, they don't want anything bad to happen to their son, but at the same time, his inborn abilities would help him pursue the life he wants to lead.


  • Only child
  • Mythiee, as his name suggests, is something that is marginally known as a Myth
  • Myths are creatures that have a strong urge to protect the thing that they care for the most
  • In Mythiee's case, that's children
  • He resents anybody who would hurt a child in any way
  • Out of all of the different personalities he's seen in kids, his favorites are shy kids and tough kids
  • Shy kids give him a chance to break them out of their shell
  • Tough kids he has a deeper view of them as his own than other kids





