


5 years, 9 months ago


Full name: Hamish Charles Langeais

Birth date and Birth Place: September 19th, 1913 in Volos, Greece

Eye color: sand brown

Hair color: sand brown with dyed blond strip at back 

Intermediate family: parents, aunt, uncle, cousin

Nationality or ethnicity: Like 3/4's Greek and the other 4th is French.

Sexuality: Uber gay. 

Random Facts

-Growing up, Hamish had only about four pieces of furniture in his bedroom, a TV stand with a TV and a bunch of video games, his bed, his wardrobe and a poster of a video game most people never heard of. 

-He hates his cousin, Jules Langeais, who has a habit of calling him and telling him to come back to Entremont-Le-Vieux because his parents supposedly miss him. 

-Hamish was always considered the bad kid in his family after getting arrested even though his cousin, Jules Langeais was a worse kid who'd hit people with his car. 

-Jules Langeais' and Hamish's fathers are identical twins, they always had trouble telling Nigel from Darian as kids and still have problems with it. 


Hamish has lived a pretty normal life with his judgmental parents in a small mountain city of Chambéry called Entremont-Le-Vieux in the mountains to his parents, Nigel and Cerise Langeais. He was born on a family trip in Greece by accident while visiting Cerise's Greek family. He was kind of a chubby kid and didn't really fit his parents' skinny nature. He was raised by a Parisian boarding school until about the end of Sophomore year in high school when he was arrested for having weed in his dorm room and sent back to Grenoble to live out a year sentence. In prison, he met an older boy named Lance, who he dated for a while, exploring his sexuality. After being released, his parents forced him to stay in Entremont-Le-Vieux for the next school year, hating every moment. 

After he finished high school, his parents kicked him out for a multitude of reasons that were never explained to him. A couple days after they told him this news, he bolted. He ended up homeless in cities like Lyon, Orleans and finally Paris when Jacques Moreau, someone who was an ex-classmate from the boarding school. picked him off the street, despite their shared past and helped him get back on his feet. Hamish now goes by his middle name, Charlie, and works as a fashion consultant, designer and cashier for a botique store run by Croix Bennet.